Example of the tangent linear and adjoint models usage


This notebook shows how to use and integrate the tangent linear and ajoint models.

Reinhold and Pierrehumbert 1982 model version

This notebook use the model version with a simple 2-layer channel QG atmosphere truncated at wavenumber 2 on a beta-plane with a simple orography (a montain and a valley).

More detail can be found in the articles:

Modules import

Loading of some modules…

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

Initializing the random number generator (for reproducibility). – Disable if needed.


Importing the model’s modules

from qgs.params.params import QgParams
from qgs.integrators.integrator import RungeKuttaIntegrator, RungeKuttaTglsIntegrator
from qgs.functions.tendencies import create_tendencies
from qgs.plotting.util import std_plot

Systems definition

General parameters

# Time parameters
dt = 0.1
# Saving the model state n steps
write_steps = 5

number_of_trajectories = 1
number_of_perturbed_trajectories = 10

Setting some model parameters

# Model parameters instantiation with some non-default specs
model_parameters = QgParams({'phi0_npi': np.deg2rad(50.)/np.pi, 'hd':0.3})
# Mode truncation at the wavenumber 2 in both x and y spatial coordinate
model_parameters.set_atmospheric_channel_fourier_modes(2, 2)

# Changing (increasing) the orography depth and the meridional temperature gradient
model_parameters.ground_params.set_orography(0.4, 1)
model_parameters.atemperature_params.set_thetas(0.2, 0)
# Printing the model's parameters
Qgs v0.2.8 parameters summary

General Parameters:
'dynamic_T': False,
'T4': False,
'time_unit': days,
'rr': 287.058  [J][kg^-1][K^-1]  (gas constant of dry air),
'sb': 5.67e-08  [J][m^-2][s^-1][K^-4]  (Stefan-Boltzmann constant),

Scale Parameters:
'scale': 5000000.0  [m]  (characteristic space scale (L*pi)),
'f0': 0.0001032  [s^-1]  (Coriolis parameter at the middle of the domain),
'n': 1.3    (aspect ratio (n = 2 L_y / L_x)),
'rra': 6370000.0  [m]  (earth radius),
'phi0_npi': 0.2777777777777778    (latitude expressed in fraction of pi),
'deltap': 50000.0  [Pa]  (pressure difference between the two atmospheric layers),

Atmospheric Parameters:
'kd': 0.1  [nondim]  (atmosphere bottom friction coefficient),
'kdp': 0.01  [nondim]  (atmosphere internal friction coefficient),
'sigma': 0.2  [nondim]  (static stability of the atmosphere),

Atmospheric Temperature Parameters:
'hd': 0.3  [nondim]  (Newtonian cooling coefficient),
'thetas[1]': 0.2    (spectral components 1 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[2]': 0.0    (spectral component 2 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[3]': 0.0    (spectral component 3 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[4]': 0.0    (spectral component 4 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[5]': 0.0    (spectral component 5 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[6]': 0.0    (spectral component 6 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[7]': 0.0    (spectral component 7 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[8]': 0.0    (spectral component 8 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[9]': 0.0    (spectral component 9 of the temperature profile),
'thetas[10]': 0.0    (spectral component 10 of the temperature profile),

Ground Parameters:
'hk[1]': 0.0    (spectral component 1 of the orography),
'hk[2]': 0.4    (spectral components 2 of the orography),
'hk[3]': 0.0    (spectral component 3 of the orography),
'hk[4]': 0.0    (spectral component 4 of the orography),
'hk[5]': 0.0    (spectral component 5 of the orography),
'hk[6]': 0.0    (spectral component 6 of the orography),
'hk[7]': 0.0    (spectral component 7 of the orography),
'hk[8]': 0.0    (spectral component 8 of the orography),
'hk[9]': 0.0    (spectral component 9 of the orography),
'hk[10]': 0.0    (spectral component 10 of the orography),
'orographic_basis': atmospheric,

Creating the tendencies function

f, Df = create_tendencies(model_parameters)

Time integration to obtain an initial condition

Defining an integrator

integrator = RungeKuttaIntegrator()

Start on a random initial condition and integrate over a transient time to obtain an initial condition on the attractors

ic = np.random.rand(model_parameters.ndim)*0.1
integrator.integrate(0., 200000., dt, ic=ic, write_steps=0)
time, ic = integrator.get_trajectories()

Initial condition sensitivity analysis example

Instantiating a tangent linear integrator with the model tendencies and Jacobian matrix

tgls_integrator = RungeKuttaTglsIntegrator()
tgls_integrator.set_func(f, Df)

Integrating with slightly perturbed initial conditions

tangent_ic = 0.0005*np.random.randn(number_of_perturbed_trajectories, model_parameters.ndim)
tgls_integrator.integrate(0., 180., dt=dt, write_steps=write_steps, ic=ic, tg_ic=tangent_ic)

Obtaining the perturbed trajectories

tt, traj, delta = tgls_integrator.get_trajectories()
pert_traj = traj + delta

Trajectories plot

var = 10
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

plt.plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, traj[var])
plt.plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, pert_traj[:,var].T, ls=':')

ax = plt.gca()

plt.xlabel('time (days)')

Mean and standard deviation

var = 10
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

plt.plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, traj[var])

ax = plt.gca()
std_plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, np.mean(pert_traj[:,var], axis=0), np.sqrt(np.var(pert_traj[:, var], axis=0)), ax=ax, alpha=0.5)

plt.xlabel('time (days)')

Integrating the adjoint model

Integrating the adjoint model is quite simple and can be done with the same code, simply changing one of the integrator’s parameter:

tgls_integrator.integrate(0., 100., dt=dt, write_steps=write_steps, ic=ic, tg_ic=tangent_ic, adjoint=True)

Obtaining the perturbed trajectories

tt, traj, delta = tgls_integrator.get_trajectories()
pert_traj = traj + delta

Trajectories plot

var = 10
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

plt.plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, traj[var])
plt.plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, pert_traj[:,var].T, ls=':')

ax = plt.gca()

plt.xlabel('time (days)')

Mean and standard deviation

var = 10
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))

plt.plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, traj[var])

ax = plt.gca()
std_plot(model_parameters.dimensional_time*tt, np.mean(pert_traj[:,var], axis=0), np.sqrt(np.var(pert_traj[:, var], axis=0)), ax=ax, alpha=0.5)

plt.xlabel('time (days)')