Oceanic component

The oceanic component is a shallow-water active oceanic layer superimposed on a deep ocean layer at rest. The dynamics is given by the reduced-gravity quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation.

Therefore, the equation of motion for the streamfunction \(\psi_\text{o}\) of the ocean layer reads [OC-Pie11] [OC-DCDV16]

\[\frac{\partial}{\partial t} \left( \nabla^2 \psi_\text{o} - \frac{\psi_\text{o}}{L_\text{R}^2} \right) + J(\psi_\text{o}, \nabla^2 \psi_\text{o}) + \beta \frac{\partial \psi_\text{o}}{\partial x} = -r \nabla^2 \psi_\text{o}.\]

\(L_\text{R} = \sqrt{g' \, h }/ f_0\) (LR) is the reduced Rossby deformation radius where \(g'\) (gp) is the reduced gravity, \(h\) is the depth of the layer (h), and \(f_0\) is the Coriolis parameter (f0). \(r\) (r) is the friction at the bottom of the active ocean layer.



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S. Pierini. Low-frequency variability, coherence resonance, and phase selection in a low-order model of the wind-driven ocean circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(9):1585–1604, 2011. URL: https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/JPO-D-10-05018.1.