Source code for qgs.inner_products.analytic

    Analytic Inner products module

    Inner products

    .. math::

        (S, G) = \\frac{n}{2\\pi^2}\\int_0^\\pi\\int_0^{2\\pi/n} S(x,y)\\, G(x,y)\\, \\mathrm{d} x \\, \\mathrm{d} y

    between the truncated set of basis functions :math:`\phi_i` for the ocean and land fields, and
    :math:`F_i` for the atmosphere fields (see :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Projecting the equations on a set of basis functions`).


    These inner products are computed using the analytical expressions from:

    * De Cruz, L., Demaeyer, J. and Vannitsem, S.: *The Modular Arbitrary-Order Ocean-Atmosphere Model: MAOOAM v1.0*,
      Geosci. Model Dev., **9**, 2793-2808, `doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2793-2016 <>`_, 2016.
    * Cehelsky, P., & Tung, K. K. (1987). *Theories of multiple equilibria and weather regimes—A critical reexamination.
      Part II: Baroclinic two-layer models*. Journal of the atmospheric sciences, **44** (21), 3282-3303.
      `doi:10.1175/1520-0469(1987)044%3C3282%3ATOMEAW%3E2.0.CO%3B2 <>`_

    Description of the classes

    The three classes computing and holding the inner products of the basis functions are:

    * :class:`AtmosphericAnalyticInnerProducts`
    * :class:`OceanicAnalyticInnerProducts`
    * :class:`GroundAnalyticInnerProducts`


import numpy as np
import sparse as sp

from qgs.params.params import QgParams
from qgs.basis.fourier import channel_wavenumbers, basin_wavenumbers
from qgs.inner_products.base import AtmosphericInnerProducts, OceanicInnerProducts, GroundInnerProducts

# TODO: Add warnings if trying to connect analytic and symbolic inner products together

[docs]class AtmosphericAnalyticInnerProducts(AtmosphericInnerProducts): """Class which contains all the atmospheric inner products coefficients needed for the tendencies tensor :class:`~.tensors.qgtensor.QgsTensor` computation, computed with analytic formula. Parameters ---------- params: None or QgParams or list, optional An instance of model's parameters object or a list in the form [aspect_ratio, ablocks, natm]. If a list is provided, `aspect_ratio` is the aspect ratio of the domain, `ablocks` is a spectral blocks detailing the model's atmospheric modes :math:`x`-and :math:`y`-wavenumber as an array of shape (natm, 2), and `natm` is the number of modes in the atmosphere. If `None`, an empty object is initialized. stored: bool, optional Indicate if the inner products must be computed and stored at the initialization. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- n: float The aspect ratio of the domain. ocean_inner_products: None or OceanicAnalyticInnerProducts The inner products of the ocean. `None` if no ocean. connected_to_ocean: bool Indicate if the atmosphere is connected to an ocean. ground_inner_products: None or GroundAnalyticInnerProducts The inner products of the ground. `None` if no ground. connected_to_ground: bool Indicate if the atmosphere is connected to the ground. stored: bool Indicate if the inner products are stored in the object. atmospheric_wavenumbers: ~numpy.ndarray(WaveNumber) An array of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.nmod` [0], ) of the wavenumber object of each mode. """ def __init__(self, params=None, stored=True): AtmosphericInnerProducts.__init__(self) if params is not None: if isinstance(params, QgParams): self.n = params.scale_params.n self._natm = params.nmod[0] ams = params.ablocks else: self.n = params[0] self._natm = params[2] ams = params[1] else: self.n = None stored = False ams = None self.ocean_inner_products = None self.connected_to_ocean = False self.ground_inner_products = None self.connected_to_ground = False # Atmospheric wavenumbers definition if ams is not None: self.atmospheric_wavenumbers = channel_wavenumbers(ams) else: self.atmospheric_wavenumbers = None self.stored = stored if stored: self.compute_inner_products()
[docs] def connect_to_ocean(self, ocean_inner_products): """Connect the atmosphere to an ocean. Parameters ---------- ocean_inner_products: OceanicAnalyticInnerProducts The inner products of the ocean. """ self.ground_inner_products = None self.connected_to_ground = False self.ocean_inner_products = ocean_inner_products self.connected_to_ocean = True if self.stored: noc = ocean_inner_products.noc self._s = sp.zeros((self.natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok') self._d = sp.zeros((self.natm, noc), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(noc)] for arg in args_list: # s inner products self._s[arg] = self._s_comp(*arg) # d inner products self._d[arg] = self._d_comp(*arg) self._s = self._s.to_coo() self._d = self._d.to_coo() # ensure that the ocean is connected as well if not ocean_inner_products.connected_to_atmosphere: ocean_inner_products.connect_to_atmosphere(self) if self.stored: self.ocean_inner_products = None
[docs] def connect_to_ground(self, ground_inner_products): """Connect the atmosphere to the ground. Parameters ---------- ground_inner_products: GroundAnalyticInnerProducts The inner products of the ground. """ self.ocean_inner_products = None self.connected_to_ocean = False self.ground_inner_products = ground_inner_products self.connected_to_ground = True if self.stored: ngr = ground_inner_products.ngr self._s = sp.zeros((self.natm, ngr), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(ngr)] # s inner products for arg in args_list: self._s[arg] = self._s_comp(*arg) self._s = self._s.to_coo() # ensure that the ocean is connected as well if not ground_inner_products.connected_to_atmosphere: ground_inner_products.connect_to_atmosphere(self) if self.stored: self.ground_inner_products = None
[docs] def compute_inner_products(self): """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once.""" self._a = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok') self._u = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok') self._c = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok') self._b = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok') self._g = sp.zeros((self.natm, self.natm, self.natm), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm)] for arg in args_list: # a inner products self._a[arg] = self._a_comp(*arg) # u inner products self._u[arg] = self._u_comp(*arg) # c inner products self._c[arg] = self._c_comp(*arg) args_list = [(i, j, k) for i in range(self.natm) for j in range(self.natm) for k in range(self.natm)] for arg in args_list: # g inner products val = self._g_comp(*arg) self._g[arg] = val # b inner products self._b[arg] = val * self._a[arg[-1], arg[-1]] self._a = self._a.to_coo() self._u = self._u.to_coo() self._c = self._c.to_coo() self._g = self._g.to_coo() self._b = self._b.to_coo()
@property def natm(self): """Number of atmospheric modes.""" return self._natm # !-----------------------------------------------------! # ! Inner products in the equations for the atmosphere ! # !-----------------------------------------------------!
[docs] def a(self, i, j): """Function to compute the matrix of the eigenvalues of the Laplacian (atmospheric): :math:`a_{i, j} = (F_i, {\\nabla}^2 F_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._a is not None: return self._a[i, j] else: return self._a_comp(i, j)
def _a_comp(self, i, j): if i == j: n = self.n Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[i] return - (n ** 2) * Ti.nx ** 2 - Ti.ny ** 2 else: return 0
[docs] def u(self, i, j): """Function to compute the matrix of inner product: :math:`u_{i, j} = (F_i, F_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._u is not None: return self._u[i, j] else: return self._u_comp(i, j)
def _u_comp(self, i, j): return _delta(i - j)
[docs] def b(self, i, j, k): """Function to compute the tensors holding the Jacobian inner products: :math:`b_{i, j, k} = (F_i, J(F_j, \\nabla^2 F_k))`.""" if self.stored and self._b is not None: return self._b[i, j, k] else: return self._b_comp(i, j, k)
def _b_comp(self, i, j, k): return self._a_comp(k, k) * self._g_comp(i, j, k)
[docs] def c(self, i, j): """Function to compute the matrix of beta terms for the atmosphere: :math:`c_{i,j} = (F_i, \\partial_x F_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._c is not None: return self._c[i, j] else: return self._c_comp(i, j)
def _c_comp(self, i, j): n = self.n Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[i] Tj = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[j] val = 0. if (Ti.type, Tj.type) == ('K', 'L'): val = _delta(Ti.M - Tj.H) * _delta(Ti.P - Tj.P) val = n * Ti.M * val elif (Ti.type, Tj.type) == ('L', 'K'): val = _delta(Tj.M - Ti.H) * _delta(Tj.P - Ti.P) val = - n * Tj.M * val return val
[docs] def g(self, i, j, k): """Function to compute tensors holding the Jacobian inner products: :math:`g_{i,j,k} = (F_i, J(F_j, F_k))`.""" if self.stored and self._g is not None: return self._g[i, j, k] else: return self._g_comp(i, j, k)
def _g_comp(self, i, j, k): sq2 = np.sqrt(2.) pi = np.pi n = self.n Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[i] Tj = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[j] Tk = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[k] val = 0. par = 1 s = [Ti.type, Tj.type, Tk.type] indices = [i, j, k] if s == ['L', 'L', 'L']: a, par = _piksort(indices) Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[a[0]] Tj = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[a[1]] Tk = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[a[2]] vs3 = _S3(Tj.P, Tk.P, Tj.H, Tk.H) vs4 = _S4(Tj.P, Tk.P, Tj.H, Tk.H) val = vs3 * ((_delta(Tk.H - Tj.H - Ti.H) - _delta(Tk.H - Tj.H + Ti.H)) * _delta(Tk.P + Tj.P - Ti.P) + _delta(Tk.H + Tj.H - Ti.H) * (_delta(Tk.P - Tj.P + Ti.P) - _delta(Tk.P - Tj.P - Ti.P))) \ + vs4 * ((_delta(Tk.H + Tj.H - Ti.H) * _delta(Tk.P - Tj.P - Ti.P)) + (_delta(Tk.H - Tj.H + Ti.H) - _delta(Tk.H - Tj.H - Ti.H)) * (_delta(Tk.P - Tj.P - Ti.P) - _delta(Tk.P - Tj.P + Ti.P))) else: if 'A' in s and 'K' in s and 'L' in s: ii = s.index('A') jj = s.index('K') kk = s.index('L') Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[indices[ii]] Tj = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[indices[jj]] Tk = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[indices[kk]] ss, par = _piksort(s) vb1 = _B1(Ti.P, Tj.P, Tk.P) vb2 = _B2(Ti.P, Tj.P, Tk.P) val = -2 * (sq2 / pi) * Tj.M * _delta(Tj.M - Tk.H) \ * _flambda(Ti.P + Tj.P + Tk.P) if val != 0: val = val * (((vb1 ** 2) / (vb1 ** 2 - 1)) - ((vb2 ** 2) / (vb2 ** 2 - 1))) elif 'A' not in s: K_indices = [i for i, x in enumerate(s) if x == "K"] if len(K_indices) == 2: ss, par = _piksort(s) perm = np.argsort(s) Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[indices[perm[0]]] Tj = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[indices[perm[1]]] Tk = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[indices[perm[2]]] vs1 = _S1(Tj.P, Tk.P, Tj.M, Tk.H) vs2 = _S2(Tj.P, Tk.P, Tj.M, Tk.H) val = vs1 * (_delta(Ti.M - Tk.H - Tj.M) * _delta(Ti.P - Tk.P + Tj.P) - _delta(Ti.M - Tk.H - Tj.M) * _delta(Ti.P + Tk.P - Tj.P) + (_delta(Tk.H - Tj.M + Ti.M) + _delta(Tk.H - Tj.M - Ti.M)) * _delta(Tk.P + Tj.P - Ti.P)) \ + vs2 * (_delta(Ti.M - Tk.H - Tj.M) * _delta(Ti.P - Tk.P - Tj.P) + (_delta(Tk.H - Tj.M - Ti.M) + _delta(Ti.M + Tk.H - Tj.M)) * (_delta(Ti.P - Tk.P + Tj.P) - _delta(Tk.P - Tj.P + Ti.P))) return val * n * par
[docs] def s(self, i, j): """Function to compute the forcing (thermal) of the ocean on the atmosphere: :math:`s_{i,j} = (F_i, \\phi_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._s is not None: return self._s[i, j] else: return self._s_comp(i, j)
def _s_comp(self, i, j): if self.connected_to_ocean: sq2 = np.sqrt(2.) pi = np.pi Ti = self.atmospheric_wavenumbers[i] Dj = self.ocean_inner_products.oceanic_wavenumbers[j] val = 0. if Ti.type == 'A': val = _flambda(Dj.H) * _flambda(Dj.P + Ti.P) if val != 0.: val = val * 8 * sq2 * Dj.P / \ (pi ** 2 * (Dj.P ** 2 - Ti.P ** 2) * Dj.H) if Ti.type == 'K': val = _flambda(2 * Ti.M + Dj.H) * _delta(Dj.P - Ti.P) if val != 0: val = val * 4 * Dj.H / (pi * (-4 * Ti.M ** 2 + Dj.H ** 2)) if Ti.type == 'L': val = _delta(Dj.P - Ti.P) * _delta(2 * Ti.H - Dj.H) elif self.connected_to_ground: val = 0 if i == j: val = 1 else: val = 0 return val
[docs] def d(self, i, j): """Function to compute the forcing of the ocean on the atmosphere: :math:`d_{i,j} = (F_i, \\nabla^2 \\phi_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._d is not None: return self._d[i, j] else: return self._d_comp(i, j)
def _d_comp(self, i, j): if self.connected_to_ocean: return self._s_comp(i, j) * self.ocean_inner_products._M_comp(j, j) else: return 0
[docs] def z(self, i, j, k, l, m): pass
[docs] def v(self, i, j, k, l, m): pass
[docs]class OceanicAnalyticInnerProducts(OceanicInnerProducts): """Class which contains all the oceanic inner products coefficients needed for the tendencies tensor :class:`~.tensors.qgtensor.QgsTensor` computation, computed with analytic formula. Parameters ---------- params: None or QgParams or list, optional An instance of model's parameters object or a list in the form [aspect_ratio, oblocks, noc]. If a list is provided, `aspect_ratio` is the aspect ratio of the domain, `ablocks` is a spectral blocks detailing the model's oceanic modes :math:`x`-and :math:`y`-wavenumber as an array of shape (noc, 2), and `noc` is the number of modes in the ocean. If `None`, an empty object is initialized. stored: bool, optional Indicate if the inner products must be computed and stored at the initialization. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- n: float The aspect ratio of the domain. atmosphere_inner_products: None or AtmosphericInnerProducts The inner products of the atmosphere. `None` if no atmosphere. connected_to_atmosphere: bool Indicate if the ocean is connected to an atmosphere. stored: bool Indicate if the inner products are stored in the object. oceanic_wavenumbers: ~numpy.ndarray(WaveNumber) An array of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.nmod` [1], ) of the wavenumber object of each mode. """ def __init__(self, params=None, stored=True): OceanicInnerProducts.__init__(self) if params is not None: if isinstance(params, QgParams): self.n = params.scale_params.n self._noc = params.nmod[1] oms = params.oblocks else: self.n = params[0] self._noc = params[2] oms = params[1] else: self.n = None stored = False oms = None self.connected_to_atmosphere = False self.atmosphere_inner_products = None # Oceanic wavenumbers definition if oms is not None: self.oceanic_wavenumbers = basin_wavenumbers(oms) else: self.oceanic_wavenumbers = None self.stored = stored if stored: self.compute_inner_products()
[docs] def connect_to_atmosphere(self, atmosphere_inner_products): """Connect the ocean to an atmosphere. Parameters ---------- atmosphere_inner_products: AtmosphericAnalyticInnerProducts The inner products of the atmosphere. """ self.atmosphere_inner_products = atmosphere_inner_products self.connected_to_atmosphere = True if self.stored: natm = atmosphere_inner_products.natm self._K = sp.zeros((self.noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok') self._W = sp.zeros((self.noc, natm), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(natm)] for arg in args_list: # K inner products self._K[arg] = self._K_comp(*arg) # W inner products self._W[arg] = self._W_comp(*arg) self._K = self._K.to_coo() self._W = self._W.to_coo() self.atmosphere_inner_products = None
[docs] def compute_inner_products(self): """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once.""" self._M = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok') self._U = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok') self._N = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok') self._O = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok') self._C = sp.zeros((self.noc, self.noc, self.noc), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc)] for arg in args_list: # M inner products self._M[arg] = self._M_comp(*arg) # U inner products self._U[arg] = self._U_comp(*arg) # N inner products self._N[arg] = self._N_comp(*arg) args_list = [(i, j, k) for i in range(self.noc) for j in range(self.noc) for k in range(self.noc)] for arg in args_list: # O inner products val = self._O_comp(*arg) self._O[arg] = val # C inner products self._C[arg] = val * self._M[arg[-1], arg[-1]] self._M = self._M.to_coo() self._U = self._U.to_coo() self._N = self._N.to_coo() self._O = self._O.to_coo() self._C = self._C.to_coo()
@property def noc(self): """Number of oceanic modes.""" return self._noc # !-----------------------------------------------------! # ! Inner products in the equations for the ocean ! # !-----------------------------------------------------!
[docs] def K(self, i, j): """Forcing of the ocean by the atmosphere: :math:`K_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\nabla^2 F_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._K is not None: return self._K[i, j] else: return self._K_comp(i, j)
def _K_comp(self, i, j): if self.connected_to_atmosphere: return self.atmosphere_inner_products._s_comp(j, i) * self.atmosphere_inner_products._a_comp(j, j) else: return 0
[docs] def M(self, i, j): """Forcing of the ocean fields on the ocean: :math:`M_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\nabla^2 \\phi_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._M is not None: return self._M[i, j] else: return self._M_comp(i, j)
def _M_comp(self, i, j): if i == j: n = self.n Di = self.oceanic_wavenumbers[i] return - (n ** 2) * Di.nx ** 2 - Di.ny ** 2 else: return 0
[docs] def U(self, i, j): """Function to compute the inner products: :math:`U_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\phi_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._U is not None: return self._U[i, j] else: return self._U_comp(i, j)
def _U_comp(self, i, j): return _delta(i - j)
[docs] def N(self, i, j): """Function computing the beta term for the ocean: :math:`N_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\partial_x \\phi_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._N is not None: return self._N[i, j] else: return self._N_comp(i, j)
def _N_comp(self, i, j): n = self.n pi = np.pi Di = self.oceanic_wavenumbers[i] Dj = self.oceanic_wavenumbers[j] val = _delta(Di.P - Dj.P) * _flambda(Di.H + Dj.H) if val != 0: val = val * (-2) * Dj.H * Di.H * n / ((Dj.H ** 2 - Di.H ** 2) * pi) return val
[docs] def O(self, i, j, k): """Function to compute the temperature advection term (passive scalar): :math:`O_{i,j,k} = (\\phi_i, J(\\phi_j, \\phi_k))`""" if self.stored and self._O is not None: return self._O[i, j, k] else: return self._O_comp(i, j, k)
def _O_comp(self, i, j, k): n = self.n indices = [i, j, k] a, par = _piksort(indices) Di = self.oceanic_wavenumbers[a[0]] Dj = self.oceanic_wavenumbers[a[1]] Dk = self.oceanic_wavenumbers[a[2]] vs3 = _S3(Dj.P, Dk.P, Dj.H, Dk.H) vs4 = _S4(Dj.P, Dk.P, Dj.H, Dk.H) val = vs3 * ((_delta(Dk.H - Dj.H - Di.H) - _delta(Dk.H - Dj.H + Di.H)) * _delta(Dk.P + Dj.P - Di.P) + _delta(Dk.H + Dj.H - Di.H) * (_delta(Dk.P - Dj.P + Di.P) - _delta(Dk.P - Dj.P - Di.P))) \ + vs4 * ((_delta(Dk.H + Dj.H - Di.H) * _delta(Dk.P - Dj.P - Di.P)) + (_delta(Dk.H - Dj.H + Di.H) - _delta(Dk.H - Dj.H - Di.H)) * (_delta(Dk.P - Dj.P - Di.P) - _delta(Dk.P - Dj.P + Di.P))) return par * val * n / 2
[docs] def C(self, i, j, k): """Function to compute the tensors holding the Jacobian inner products: :math:`C_{i,j,k} = (\\phi_i, J(\\phi_j,\\nabla^2 \\phi_k))`.""" if self.stored and self._C is not None: return self._C[i, j, k] else: return self._C_comp(i, j, k)
def _C_comp(self, i, j, k): return self._M_comp(k, k) * self._O_comp(i, j, k)
[docs] def W(self, i, j): """Function to compute the short-wave radiative forcing of the ocean: :math:`W_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, F_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._W is not None: return self._W[i, j] else: return self._W_comp(i, j)
def _W_comp(self, i, j): if self.connected_to_atmosphere: return self.atmosphere_inner_products._s_comp(j, i) else: return 0
[docs] def Z(self, i, j, k, l, m): pass
[docs] def V(self, i, j, k, l, m): pass
[docs]class GroundAnalyticInnerProducts(GroundInnerProducts): """Class which contains all the ground inner products coefficients needed for the tendencies tensor :class:`~.tensors.qgtensor.QgsTensor` computation, computed with analytic formula. Parameters ---------- params: None or QgParams or list, optional An instance of model's parameters object or a list in the form [aspect_ratio, gblocks, ngr]. If a list is provided, `aspect_ratio` is the aspect ratio of the domain, `gblocks` is a spectral blocks detailing the model's oceanic modes :math:`x`-and :math:`y`-wavenumber as an array of shape (ngr, 2), and `ngr` is the number of modes in the ocean. If `None`, an empty object is initialized. stored: bool, optional Indicate if the inner products must be computed and stored at the initialization. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- n: float The aspect ratio of the domain. atmosphere_inner_products: None or AtmosphericInnerProducts The inner products of the atmosphere. `None` if no atmosphere. connected_to_atmosphere: bool Indicate if the ocean is connected to an atmosphere. stored: bool Indicate if the inner products are stored in the object. ground_wavenumbers: ~numpy.ndarray(WaveNumber) An array of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.nmod` [1], ) of the wavenumber object of each mode. """ def __init__(self, params=None, stored=True): GroundInnerProducts.__init__(self) if params is not None: if isinstance(params, QgParams): self.n = params.scale_params.n self._ngr = params.nmod[1] gms = params.oblocks else: self.n = params[0] self._ngr = params[2] gms = params[1] else: self.n = None stored = False gms = None self.connected_to_atmosphere = False self.atmosphere_inner_products = None # Ground wavenumbers definition if gms is not None: self.ground_wavenumbers = channel_wavenumbers(gms) else: self.ground_wavenumbers = None self.stored = stored if stored: self.compute_inner_products()
[docs] def compute_inner_products(self): """Function computing and storing all the inner products at once.""" self._U = sp.zeros((self.ngr, self.ngr), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.ngr) for j in range(self.ngr)] for arg in args_list: # U inner products self._U[arg] = self._U_comp(*arg) self._U = self._U.to_coo()
[docs] def connect_to_atmosphere(self, atmosphere_inner_products): """Connect the ground to an atmosphere. Parameters ---------- atmosphere_inner_products: AtmosphericAnalyticInnerProducts The inner products of the atmosphere. """ self.atmosphere_inner_products = atmosphere_inner_products self.connected_to_atmosphere = True if self.stored: natm = atmosphere_inner_products.natm self._W = sp.zeros((self.ngr, natm), dtype=float, format='dok') args_list = [(i, j) for i in range(self.ngr) for j in range(natm)] for arg in args_list: # W inner products self._W[arg] = self._W_comp(*arg) self._W = self._W.to_coo() self.atmosphere_inner_products = None
@property def ngr(self): """Number of ground modes.""" return self._ngr # !-----------------------------------------------------! # ! Inner products in the equations for the ground ! # !-----------------------------------------------------!
[docs] def K(self, i, j): """:math:`K_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\nabla^2 F_j)` Warnings -------- Not defined and not used.""" return 0
[docs] def M(self, i, j): """:math:`M_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\nabla^2 \\phi_j)` Warnings -------- Not defined and not used. """ return 0
[docs] def U(self, i, j): """Function to compute the inner products: :math:`U_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\phi_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._U is not None: return self._U[i, j] else: return self._U_comp(i, j)
def _U_comp(self, i, j): return _delta(i - j)
[docs] def N(self, i, j): """:math:`N_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, \\partial_x \\phi_j)` Warnings -------- Not defined and not used. """ return 0
[docs] def O(self, i, j, k): """:math:`O_{i,j,k} = (\\phi_i, J(\\phi_j, \\phi_k))` Warnings -------- Not defined and not used. """ return 0
[docs] def C(self, i, j, k): """:math:`C_{i,j,k} = (\\phi_i, J(\\phi_j,\\nabla^2 \\phi_k))` Warnings -------- Not defined and not used. """ return 0
[docs] def W(self, i, j): """Function to compute the short-wave radiative forcing of the ground: :math:`W_{i,j} = (\\phi_i, F_j)`.""" if self.stored and self._W is not None: return self._W[i, j] else: return self._W_comp(i, j)
def _W_comp(self, i, j): if self.connected_to_atmosphere: return self.atmosphere_inner_products._s_comp(j, i) else: return 0 def V(self, i, j, k, l, m): pass def Z(self, i, j, k, l, m): pass
def _piksort(arr): k = len(arr) arro = arr.copy() par = 1 for i in range(1, k): a = arro[i] l = i - 1 for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1): if arro[j] <= a: l = j break arro[j + 1] = arro[j] par = -par l = j - 1 arro[l + 1] = a return arro, par # !-----------------------------------------------------! # ! ! # ! Definition of the Helper functions from Cehelsky ! # ! \ Tung ! # ! ! # !-----------------------------------------------------! def _B1(Pi, Pj, Pk): return (Pk + Pj) / float(Pi) def _B2(Pi, Pj, Pk): return (Pk - Pj) / float(Pi) def _delta(r): if r == 0: return 1. else: return 0. def _flambda(r): if r % 2 == 0: return 0. else: return 1. def _S1(Pj, Pk, Mj, Hk): return -(Pk * Mj + Pj * Hk) / 2. def _S2(Pj, Pk, Mj, Hk): return (Pk * Mj - Pj * Hk) / 2. def _S3(Pj, Pk, Hj, Hk): return (Pk * Hj + Pj * Hk) / 2. def _S4(Pj, Pk, Hj, Hk): return (Pk * Hj - Pj * Hk) / 2. if __name__ == '__main__': from qgs.params.params import QgParams pars = QgParams() pars._set_atmospheric_analytic_fourier_modes(2, 2) pars._set_oceanic_analytic_fourier_modes(2, 4) aip = AtmosphericAnalyticInnerProducts(pars) oip = OceanicAnalyticInnerProducts(pars) aip.connect_to_ocean(oip)