Source code for qgs.params.parameter

    Parameter module

    This module contains the basic parameter class to hold model's parameters values.
    It allows to manipulate dimensional and nondimensional parameter easily.


    >>> from qgs.params.params import ScaleParams
    >>> from qgs.params.parameter import Parameter
    >>> # defining a scale object to help Parameter compute the nondimensionalization
    >>> sc = ScaleParams()
    >>> # creating a parameter initialized with a nondimensional value but returning a
    >>> # dimensional one when called
    >>> sigma = Parameter(0.2e0, input_dimensional=False, scale_object=sc,
    ...                   units='[m^2][s^-2][Pa^-2]',
    ...                   description="static stability of the atmosphere",
    ...                   return_dimensional=True)
    >>> sigma
    >>> sigma.nondimensional_value
    >>> sigma.return_dimensional
    >>> # creating a parameter initialized with a dimensional value but returning a
    >>> # nondimensional one when called
    >>> sigma = Parameter(2.1581898457499433e-06, input_dimensional=True, scale_object=sc,
    ...                   units='[m^2][s^-2][Pa^-2]',
    ...                   description="static stability of the atmosphere",
    ...                   return_dimensional=False)
    >>> sigma
    >>> sigma.dimensional_value
    >>> sigma.return_dimensional

    Main class

import warnings

[docs]class Parameter(float): """Base class of model's parameter. Parameters ---------- value: float Value of the parameter. input_dimensional: bool, optional Specify whether the value provided is dimensional or not. Default to `True`. units: str, optional The units of the provided value. Used to compute the conversion between dimensional and nondimensional value. Should be specified by joining atoms like `'[unit^power]'`, e.g '`[m^2][s^-2][Pa^-2]'`. Empty by default. scale_object: ScaleParams, optional A scale parameters object to compute the conversion between dimensional and nondimensional value. `None` by default. If `None`, cannot transform between dimensional and nondimentional value. description: str, optional String describing the parameter. return_dimensional: bool, optional Defined if the value returned by the parameter is dimensional or not. Default to `False`. Notes ----- Parameter is immutable. Once instantiated, it cannot be altered. To create a new parameter, one must re-instantiate it. Warnings -------- If no scale_object argument is provided, cannot transform between the dimensional and nondimentional value ! """ def __new__(cls, value, input_dimensional=True, units="", scale_object=None, description="", return_dimensional=False): no_scale = False if return_dimensional: if input_dimensional: evalue = value else: if scale_object is None: return_dimensional = False evalue = value no_scale = True else: evalue = value / cls._conversion_factor(units, scale_object) else: if input_dimensional: if scale_object is None: return_dimensional = True evalue = value no_scale = True else: evalue = value * cls._conversion_factor(units, scale_object) else: evalue = value if no_scale: warnings.warn("Parameter configured to perform dimensional conversion " + "but without specifying a ScaleParams object: Conversion disabled!") f = float.__new__(cls, evalue) f._input_dimensional = input_dimensional f._return_dimensional = return_dimensional f._units = units f._scale_object = scale_object f._description = description return f @property def dimensional_value(self): """float: Returns the dimensional value.""" if self._return_dimensional: return self else: return self / self._nondimensionalization @property def nondimensional_value(self): """float: Returns the nondimensional value.""" if self._return_dimensional: return self * self._nondimensionalization else: return self @property def input_dimensional(self): """bool: Indicate if the provided value is dimensional or not.""" return self._input_dimensional @property def return_dimensional(self): """bool: Indicate if the returned value is dimensional or not.""" return self._return_dimensional @classmethod def _conversion_factor(cls, units, scale_object): factor = 1. ul = units.split('][') ul[0] = ul[0][1:] ul[-1] = ul[-1][:-1] for us in ul: up = us.split('^') if len(up) == 1: up.append("1") if up[0] == 'm': factor *= scale_object.L ** (-int(up[1])) elif up[0] == 's': factor *= scale_object.f0 ** (int(up[1])) elif up[0] == 'Pa': factor *= scale_object.deltap ** (-int(up[1])) return factor @property def units(self): """str: The units of the dimensional value.""" return self._units @property def description(self): """str: Description of the parameter.""" return self._description @property def _nondimensionalization(self): if self._scale_object is None: return 1. else: return self._conversion_factor(self._units, self._scale_object)