Source code for qgs.functions.sparse_mul

    Sparse matrix operation module

    This module supports operations and functions on the sparse tensors defined in
    the :class:`~.tensors.qgtensor.QgsTensor` objects.

import numpy as np
from numba import njit

[docs]@njit def sparse_mul2(coo, value, vec): """Sparse multiplication of a tensor with one vector: :math:`A_{i,j} = {\displaystyle \sum_{k=0}^{\mathrm{ndim}}} \, \mathcal{T}_{i,j,k} \, a_k` Warnings -------- It is a Numba-jitted function, so it cannot take a :class:`sparse.COO` sparse tensor directly. The tensor coordinates list and values must be provided separately by the user. In principle, this will be solved later in `sparse`, see Parameters ---------- coo: ~numpy.ndarray(int) A 2D array of shape (n_elems, 3), a list of n_elems tensor coordinates corresponding to each value provided. value: ~numpy.ndarray(float) A 1D array of shape (n_elems,), a list of value in the tensor vec: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`a_k` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). Returns ------- ~numpy.ndarray(float) The matrix :math:`A_{i,j}`, of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1, :attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1). """ res = np.zeros((len(vec), len(vec))) for n in range(coo.shape[0]): res[coo[n, 0], coo[n, 1]] += vec[coo[n, 2]] * value[n] return res
[docs]@njit def sparse_mul3(coo, value, vec_a, vec_b): """Sparse multiplication of a tensor with two vectors: :math:`v_i = {\displaystyle \sum_{j,k=0}^{\mathrm{ndim}}} \, \mathcal{T}_{i,j,k} \, a_j \, b_k` Warnings -------- It is a Numba-jitted function, so it cannot take a :class:`sparse.COO` sparse tensor directly. The tensor coordinates list and values must be provided separately by the user. In principle, this will be solved later in `sparse`, see Parameters ---------- coo: ~numpy.ndarray(int) A 2D array of shape (n_elems, 3), a list of n_elems tensor coordinates corresponding to each value provided. value: ~numpy.ndarray(float) A 1D array of shape (n_elems,), a list of value in the tensor vec_a: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`a_j` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). vec_b: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`b_k` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). Returns ------- ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`v_i`, of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). """ res = np.zeros_like(vec_a) n_elems = coo.shape[0] for n in range(n_elems): res[coo[n, 0]] += vec_a[coo[n, 1]] * vec_b[coo[n, 2]] * value[n] res[0] = 1. return res
[docs]@njit def sparse_mul4(coo, value, vec_a, vec_b, vec_c): """Sparse multiplication of a rank-5 tensor with three vectors: :math:`A_{i, j} = {\displaystyle \sum_{k,l,m=0}^{\mathrm{ndim}}} \, \mathcal{T}_{i,j,k,l, m} \, a_k \, b_l \, c_m` Warnings -------- It is a Numba-jitted function, so it cannot take a :class:`sparse.COO` sparse tensor directly. The tensor coordinates list and values must be provided separately by the user. In principle, this will be solved later in `sparse`, see Parameters ---------- coo: ~numpy.ndarray(int) A 2D array of shape (n_elems, 5), a list of n_elems tensor coordinates corresponding to each value provided. value: ~numpy.ndarray(float) A 1D array of shape (n_elems,), a list of value in the tensor vec_a: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`a_j` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). vec_b: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`b_k` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). vec_c: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`c_l` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). Returns ------- ~numpy.ndarray(float) The matrix :math:`A_{i, j}`, of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1, :attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1). """ res = np.zeros((len(vec_a), len(vec_a))) n_elems = coo.shape[0] for n in range(n_elems): res[coo[n, 0], coo[n, 1]] += vec_a[coo[n, 2]] * vec_b[coo[n, 3]] * vec_c[coo[n, 4]] * value[n] return res
[docs]@njit def sparse_mul5(coo, value, vec_a, vec_b, vec_c, vec_d): """Sparse multiplication of a rank-5 tensor with four vectors: :math:`v_i = {\displaystyle \sum_{j,k,l,m=0}^{\mathrm{ndim}}} \, \mathcal{T}_{i,j,k,l,m} \, a_j \, b_k \, c_l \, d_m` Warnings -------- It is a Numba-jitted function, so it cannot take a :class:`sparse.COO` sparse tensor directly. The tensor coordinates list and values must be provided separately by the user. In principle, this will be solved later in `sparse`, see Parameters ---------- coo: ~numpy.ndarray(int) A 2D array of shape (n_elems, 5), a list of n_elems tensor coordinates corresponding to each value provided. value: ~numpy.ndarray(float) A 1D array of shape (n_elems,), a list of value in the tensor vec_a: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`a_j` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). vec_b: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`b_k` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). vec_c: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`c_l` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). vec_d: ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`d_m` to contract the tensor with. Must be of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). Returns ------- ~numpy.ndarray(float) The vector :math:`v_i`, of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim` + 1,). """ res = np.zeros_like(vec_a) n_elems = coo.shape[0] for n in range(n_elems): res[coo[n, 0]] += vec_a[coo[n, 1]] * vec_b[coo[n, 2]] * vec_c[coo[n, 3]] * vec_d[coo[n, 4]] * value[n] res[0] = 1. return res