Source code for qgs.diagnostics.wind

    Diagnostic wind classes

    Classes defining wind fields diagnostics.

    Description of the classes

    * :class:`AtmosphericWindDiagnostic`: General base class for atmospheric wind diagnostic.
    * :class:`LowerLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric V wind fields :math:`\\partial_x \\psi^3_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`LowerLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric U wind fields :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi^3_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric V wind fields :math:`\\partial_x \\psi_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`MiddleAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric U wind fields :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`UpperLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric V wind fields :math:`\\partial_x \\psi^1_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`UpperLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric U wind fields :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi^1_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`LowerLayerAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric horizontal wind intensity fields.
    * :class:`MiddleAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric horizontal wind intensity fields.
    * :class:`UpperLayerAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric horizontal wind intensity fields.
    * :class:`MiddleLayerVerticalVelocity`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric layer vertical wind intensity fields.


import warnings

import numpy as np
from numba import njit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from qgs.diagnostics.differential import DifferentialFieldDiagnostic
from qgs.diagnostics.util import create_grid_basis
from qgs.functions.tendencies import create_tendencies, create_atmo_thermo_tendencies

[docs]class AtmosphericWindDiagnostic(DifferentialFieldDiagnostic): """General base class for atmospheric wind fields diagnostic. Provide a spatial gridded representation of the fields. This is an `abstract base class`_, it must be subclassed to create new diagnostics! .. _abstract base class: Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): if not hasattr(self, 'type'): self.type = None DifferentialFieldDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, dimensional) self._configure(delta_x=delta_x, delta_y=delta_y) self._plot_units = r" (in " + r'm s$^{-1}$' + r")" self._default_plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap('hsv_r') self._color_bar_format = False def _compute_grid(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): if delta_x is None: ams = self._model_params.ablocks if ams is None: warnings.warn("AtmosphericWindDiagnostic: Unable to configure the grid automatically. Atmospheric wavenumbers information not " + "present in the model's parameters ! Please call the compute_grid method with the delta_x and delta_y parameters.") return 1 xwn = [ams[i][0] for i in range(len(ams))] mxwn = max(xwn) n_point_x = 4 * mxwn + 2 else: n_point_x = int(np.ceil((2 * np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n) / delta_x) + 1) if delta_y is None: ams = self._model_params.ablocks if ams is None: warnings.warn("AtmosphericWindDiagnostic: Unable to configure the grid automatically. Atmospheric wavenumbers information not " + "present in the model's parameters ! Please call the compute_grid method with the delta_x and delta_y parameters.") return 1 ywn = [ams[i][1] for i in range(len(ams))] mywn = max(ywn) n_point_y = 4 * mywn + 2 else: n_point_y = int(np.ceil(np.pi / delta_y) + 1) x = np.linspace(0., 2 * np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n, n_point_x) y = np.linspace(0., np.pi, n_point_y) self._X, self._Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) def _configure(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): basis = self._model_params.atmospheric_basis if self.type == "V": self._configure_differential_grid(basis, "dx", 1, delta_x, delta_y) elif self.type == "U": self._configure_differential_grid(basis, "dy", 1, delta_x, delta_y) elif self.type == "W": self._compute_grid(delta_x, delta_y) self._grid_basis = create_grid_basis(basis, self._X, self._Y, self._subs) elif self.type is None: warnings.warn("AtmosphericWindDiagnostic: Basis type note specified." + " Unable to configure the diagnostic properly.") return 1 else: self._grid_basis = None if self._orography and self._X is not None and self._Y is not None: if self._model_params.ground_params.orographic_basis == "atmospheric": self._oro_basis = create_grid_basis(basis, self._X, self._Y, self._subs) else: self._oro_basis = create_grid_basis(self._model_params.ground_basis, self._X, self._Y, self._subs) else: self._oro_basis = None
[docs]class LowerLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric V wind fields :math:`\\partial_x \\psi^3_{\\rm a}`. Computed as :math:`\\partial_x \\psi^3_{\\rm a} = \\partial_x \\psi_{\\rm a} - \\partial_x \\theta_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` and :math:`\\theta_{\\rm a}` are respectively the barotropic and baroclinic streamfunctions. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "V" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric V wind in the lower layer' def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) theta = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) psi3 = psi - theta if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = psi3 * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling / self._model_params.scale_params.L self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = psi3 self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class LowerLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric U wind fields :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi^3_{\\rm a}`. Computed as :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi^3_{\\rm a} = - \\partial_y \\psi_{\\rm a} + \\partial_y \\theta_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` and :math:`\\theta_{\\rm a}` are respectively the barotropic and baroclinic streamfunctions. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "U" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric U wind in the lower layer' def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) theta = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) psi3 = psi - theta if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = - psi3 * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling / self._model_params.scale_params.L self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = - psi3 self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric V wind fields :math:`\\partial_x \\psi_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` is the barotropic streamfunction. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "V" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric V wind in the middle of the atmosphere' def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = psi * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling / self._model_params.scale_params.L self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = psi self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class MiddleAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric U wind fields :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` is the barotropic streamfunction. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "U" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric U wind in the middle of the atmosphere' def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = - psi * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling / self._model_params.scale_params.L self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = - psi self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class UpperLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric V wind fields :math:`\\partial_x \\psi^1_{\\rm a}`. Computed as :math:`\\partial_x \\psi^1_{\\rm a} = \\partial_x \\psi_{\\rm a} + \\partial_x \\theta_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` and :math:`\\theta_{\\rm a}` are respectively the barotropic and baroclinic streamfunctions. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "V" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric V wind in the upper layer' def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) theta = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) psi1 = psi + theta if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = psi1 * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling / self._model_params.scale_params.L self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = psi1 self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class UpperLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric U wind fields :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi^1_{\\rm a}`. Computed as :math:`- \\partial_y \\psi^1_{\\rm a} = - \\partial_y \\psi_{\\rm a} - \\partial_y \\theta_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` and :math:`\\theta_{\\rm a}` are respectively the barotropic and baroclinic streamfunctions. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "U" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric U wind in the upper layer' def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) theta = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) psi1 = psi + theta if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = - psi1 * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling / self._model_params.scale_params.L self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = - psi1 self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class LowerLayerAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric horizontal wind intensity fields. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric wind intensity in the lower layer' self._udiag = LowerLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._vdiag = LowerLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): self._udiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) self._vdiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) U = self._udiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) V = self._vdiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) self._diagnostic_data = np.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class MiddleAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric horizontal wind intensity fields. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Wind intensity in the middle of the atmosphere' self._udiag = MiddleAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._vdiag = MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): self._udiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) self._vdiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) U = self._udiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) V = self._vdiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) self._diagnostic_data = np.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class UpperLayerAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric horizontal wind intensity fields. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric wind intensity in the upper layer' self._udiag = UpperLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._vdiag = UpperLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): self._udiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) self._vdiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) U = self._udiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) V = self._vdiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) U = self._udiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) V = self._vdiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) self._diagnostic_data = np.sqrt(U**2 + V**2) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class MiddleLayerVerticalVelocity(AtmosphericWindDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric layer vertical wind intensity fields :math:`\\omega`. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): self.type = "W" AtmosphericWindDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric vertical wind in the middle layer' self._plot_units = r" (in " + r'Pa s$^{-1}$' + r")" self._f, _ = create_tendencies(model_params) self._f_thermo = create_atmo_thermo_tendencies(model_params)
[docs] def set_data(self, time, data): self._time = time self._data = _compute_omega_term(time, data, self._f, self._f_thermo) self._data = self._data / self._model_params.atmospheric_params.sig0
def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range omega = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis, 0, 1), 0, 1) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = omega * self._model_params.scale_params.deltap * self._model_params.scale_params.f0 else: self._diagnostic_data = omega return self._diagnostic_data
@njit def _compute_omega_term(time, data, func, thermo_func): tendencies = np.zeros_like(data) thermo_tendencies = np.zeros_like(tendencies) for i in range(data.shape[-1]): tendencies[:, i] = func(time[i], data[:, i]) thermo_tendencies[:, i] = thermo_func(time[i], data[:, i]) return tendencies - thermo_tendencies if __name__ == '__main__': from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.integrators.integrator import RungeKuttaIntegrator pars = QgParams() pars.set_atmospheric_channel_fourier_modes(2, 2) f, Df = create_tendencies(pars) integrator = RungeKuttaIntegrator() integrator.set_func(f) ic = np.random.rand(pars.ndim) * 0.1 integrator.integrate(0., 10000., 0.1, ic=ic, write_steps=5) time, traj = integrator.get_trajectories() integrator.terminate() dx_psi3 = LowerLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(pars) dx_psi3(time, traj) dy_psi3 = LowerLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(pars) dy_psi3(time, traj) dx_psi = MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(pars) dx_psi(time, traj) dy_psi = MiddleAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(pars) dy_psi(time, traj) dx_psi1 = UpperLayerAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(pars) dx_psi1(time, traj) dy_psi1 = UpperLayerAtmosphericUWindDiagnostic(pars) dy_psi1(time, traj) psi3_wind = LowerLayerAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic(pars) psi3_wind(time, traj) psi_wind = MiddleAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic(pars) psi_wind(time, traj) psi1_wind = UpperLayerAtmosphericWindIntensityDiagnostic(pars) psi1_wind(time, traj) vert_wind = MiddleLayerVerticalVelocity(pars) vert_wind(time, traj)