Source code for qgs.diagnostics.variables

    Diagnostic variables classes

    Classes defining multiple scalar diagnostics (variables) of the model and used to analyze its outputs.

    Description of the classes

    * :class:`VariablesDiagnostic`: General class to get and show the scalar variables of the models.
    * :class:`GeopotentialHeightDifferenceDiagnostic`: Class to compute and show the geopotential height difference
      between points of the model's domain.

import warnings
import base64
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from ipywidgets import interactive

from qgs.diagnostics.base import Diagnostic

from qgs.diagnostics.misc import time_axis_label

[docs]class VariablesDiagnostic(Diagnostic): """General class to create multiple scalar diagnostics based on the variables of the model. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, variable_list, model_params, dimensional): Diagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, dimensional) self._variable_list = variable_list self._variable_labels = [self._model_params.latex_var_string[var] for var in self._variable_list] self._variable_units = [self._model_params.get_variable_units(var) for var in self._variable_list] self._plot_title = "Model's variables" def __len__(self): if self.diagnostic is not None: return self.diagnostic.shape[1] else: return None def _configure(self, **kwargs): pass def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if dimensional: vr = self._model_params.variables_range for i, j in enumerate(self._variable_list): v = self._data[j].copy() if j < vr[0]: v *= self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling if vr[0] <= j < vr[1]: v *= self._model_params.temperature_scaling * 2 if self._ocean: if vr[1] <= j < vr[2]: v *= self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling if vr[2] <= j < vr[3]: v *= self._model_params.temperature_scaling if self._ground: if vr[1] <= j < vr[2]: v *= self._model_params.temperature_scaling if i == 0: self._diagnostic_data = v[np.newaxis, :] else: self._diagnostic_data = np.vstack((self._diagnostic_data, v)) self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = self._data[self._variable_list] self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs] def plot(self, time_index=0, variables='all', style="timeserie", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), plot_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """Plot the multiple scalar diagnostic provided. Parameters ---------- time_index: int The time index of the data. Not used in this subclass. variables: str or list(int) List of the model variables to consider as diagnostics. Default to `all`, i.e. select all the variables of the model. style: str, optional The style of the plot. Can be: * `timeserie`: Plot all the selected variables as a function of time. * `2Dscatter`: Plot the first two selected variables on a 2D scatter plot. * `3Dscatter`: Plot the first three selected variables on a 3D scatter plot. ax: ~matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An axes on which to plot the fields. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. plot_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method if `style` is set to `image`, or to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` method if `style` is set to `contour`. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.axes.Axes An axes where the data were plotted. """ if variables == 'all': variables = list(range(len(self._variable_list))) if self.diagnostic is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostic data available. Showing nothing. Returning None.') return None if plot_kwargs is None: plot_kwargs = dict() if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if '3D' in style: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: fig = ax.figure if style == 'timeserie': for var in variables: lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[var] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[var] + r"]" time = self._time * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time) ax.plot(time, self.diagnostic[var], label=lab, **plot_kwargs) ax.legend() if self.dimensional: ax.set_xlabel(time_axis_label + ' [' + self._model_params.time_unit + ']') else: ax.set_xlabel(time_axis_label + ' [timeunits]') elif style == "2Dscatter": ax.plot(self.diagnostic[variables[0]], self.diagnostic[variables[1]], marker='o', ls='', **plot_kwargs) # TODO: Still to test (and adapt to variables ranges) # if self._ocean: # natm = self._model_params.nmod[0] # ngoc = self._model_params.nmod[1] # if 2*natm <= variables[0] < 2*natm+ngoc: # tl = ax.get_xticklabels() # labto, num = _tick_fmt(tl) # ax.set_xticklabels(labto) # til = ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks() # for j in range(0, len(til), 1): # til[j].label1.set_visible(False) # til[num].label1.set_visible(True) # til[0].label1.set_visible(True) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[0] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[0] + r"]" ax.set_xlabel(lab) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[1] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[1] + r"]" ax.set_ylabel(lab) elif style == "3Dscatter": ax.plot(self.diagnostic[variables[0]], self.diagnostic[variables[1]], self.diagnostic[variables[2]], marker='o', ls='', **plot_kwargs) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[0] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[0] + r"]" ax.set_xlabel(lab, labelpad=20.) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[1] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[1] + r"]" ax.set_ylabel(lab, labelpad=20.) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[2] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[2] + r"]" ax.set_zlabel(lab, labelpad=20.) else: warnings.warn('Provided style parameter ' + style + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot.') title = self._plot_title if self.dimensional: pass else: title += r" (in nondim units)" ax.set_title(title, pad=20.) return ax
[docs] def movie(self, variables='all', output='html', filename='', style="2Dscatter", background=None, ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), plot_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None): """ Create and return a movie of the output of the `plot` method animated over time. Show a red dot moving and depicting the current value of the model's selected variables. Parameters ---------- variables: str or list(int) List of the model variables to consider as diagnostics. Default to `all`, i.e. select all the variables of the model. output: str, optional Define the kind of movie being created. Can be: * `jshtml`: Generate an interactive HTML representation of the animation. * `html5`: Generate the movie as HTML5 code. * `html`: Output the movie as a HTML video tag. * `ihtml`: Output the interactive movie as a HTML video tag. * `save`: Save the movie in MP4 format (H264 codec). Default to `html`. filename: str, optional Filename (and path) where to save the movie. Needed if `output` is set to `save`. style: str, optional The style of the plot. Can be: * `timeserie`: Plot all the selected variables as a function of time. * `moving-timeserie`: Plot all the selected variables as a function of time. Draw the lines as the time evolves. * `2Dscatter`: Plot the first two selected variables on a 2D scatter plot. * `3Dscatter`: Plot the first three selected variables on a 3D scatter plot. background: VariablesDiagnostic, optional The variables diagnostic data used as background for the evolving red dot. If `None`, use the current VariablesDiagnostic instance. Default to `None`. ax: ~matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An axes on which to plot. If not provided, create a new one. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. plot_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the background plot. anim_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` instantiation method. Specify the parameters of the animation. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or HTML code or HTML tag The animation object or the HTML code or tag. """ if self.diagnostic is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostic data available. Showing nothing. Returning None.') return None anim = self._make_anim(variables, style, background, ax, figsize, True, plot_kwargs, anim_kwargs, False) if 'html' in output: if output == "jshtml" or output == 'ihtml': jshtml = anim.to_jshtml() if output == "jshtml": return jshtml else: return HTML(jshtml) else: html5 = anim.to_html5_video() if output == 'html5': return html5 else: return HTML(html5) elif output == 'save': if not filename: warnings.warn('No filename provided to the method animate. Video not saved !\n Please provide a filename.') html = anim.to_html5_video() start_index = html.index('base64,') start_index += len('base64,') end_index = html.index('">', start_index) video = html[start_index: end_index] with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(video)) else: warnings.warn('Provided output parameter ' + output + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') anim = None return anim
[docs] def animate(self, variables='all', output='animate', style="2Dscatter", background=None, ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), show_time=True, stride=1, plot_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None, show=True): """Return the output of the `plot` method animated over time. Show a red dot moving and depicting the current value of the model's selected variables. Parameters ---------- variables: str or list(int) List of the model variables to consider as diagnostics. Default to `all`, i.e. select all the variables of the model. output: str, optional Define the kind of animation being created. Can be: * `animate`: Create and show a :class:`ipywidgets.widgets.interaction.interactive` widget. Works only in Jupyter notebooks. * `show`: Create and show an animation with the :mod:`matplotlib.animation` module. Works only in IPython or Python. style: str, optional The style of the plot. Can be: * `timeserie`: Plot all the selected variables as a function of time. * `moving-timeserie`: Plot all the selected variables as a function of time. Draw the lines as the time evolves. * `2Dscatter`: Plot the first two selected variables on a 2D scatter plot. * `3Dscatter`: Plot the first three selected variables on a 3D scatter plot. background: VariablesDiagnostic, optional The variables diagnostic data used as background for the evolving red dot. If `None`, use the current VariablesDiagnostic instance. Default to `None`. ax: ~matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An axes on which to plot. If not provided, create a new one. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. show_time: bool, optional Show the timestamp on the plot or not. Only valid for scatter plots. Default to `True`. stride: int, optional Specify the time step of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `animate`. plot_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the background plot. anim_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` instantiation method. Specify the parameters of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `show`. show: bool, optional Whether to plot or not the animation. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or ~IPython.display.DisplayHandle or callable The animation object or the callable to update the widget, depending on the value of the `output` and `show` parameters. """ if self.diagnostic is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostic data available. Showing nothing. Returning None.') return None if output == 'animate': if background is None: background = self if variables == 'all': variables = list(range(len(self._variable_list))) def update(time_index): if 'moving' not in style: pack = background.plot(variables=variables, style=style, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs) if hasattr(pack, '__getitem__'): axe = pack[0] else: axe = pack else: if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if '3D' in style: axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: axe = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: axe = ax fig = axe.figure if style == 'timeserie': lines = ax.get_lines() time = self._time[time_index:time_index+1] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time) for i in range(len(variables)): ax.plot(time, self.diagnostic[variables[i]][time_index:time_index+1], marker='o', linestyle='', color=lines[i].get_c()) elif style == 'moving-timeserie': ii = -1 lines = list() var_min = 2.e168 var_max = -2.e168 end_time = -2.e168 start_time = 2.e168 for i in range(len(variables)): var_min = min(var_min, np.min(self.diagnostic[i])) var_max = max(var_max, np.max(self.diagnostic[i])) end_time = max(end_time, self._time[ii] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time)) start_time = min(start_time, self._time[0] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time)) time = self._time[:time_index+1] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[i] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[i] + r"]" line, = ax.plot(time, self.diagnostic[variables[i]][:time_index+1], label=lab) # , **plot_kwargs lines.append(line) if var_min < 0.: var_min *= 1.03 else: var_min *= 0.97 if var_max > 0.: var_max *= 1.03 else: var_max *= 0.97 ax.set_xlim(start_time, end_time) ax.set_ylim(var_min, var_max) ax.legend() if self.dimensional: ax.set_xlabel(time_axis_label + ' [' + self._model_params.time_unit + ']') else: ax.set_xlabel(time_axis_label + ' [timeunits]') title = self._plot_title if self.dimensional: pass else: title += r" (in nondim units)" ax.set_title(title, pad=20.) elif style == '2Dscatter': axe.plot(self.diagnostic[variables[0]][time_index:time_index + 1], self.diagnostic[variables[1]][time_index:time_index + 1], marker='o', linestyle='', color='r') elif style == '3Dscatter': axe.plot(self.diagnostic[variables[0]][time_index:time_index + 1], self.diagnostic[variables[1]][time_index:time_index + 1], zs=self.diagnostic[variables[2]][time_index:time_index + 1], marker='o', linestyle='', color='r') if show_time and 'scatter' in style: if self.dimensional: tt = " at " + "{:.2f}".format(self._model_params.dimensional_time * self._time[time_index]) + " " + self._model_params.time_unit else: tt = " at " + str(self._time[time_index]) + " timeunits" if style == '2Dscatter': axe.text(0.1, 0.9, tt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axe.transAxes) elif style == '3Dscatter': axe.text2D(0.1, 0.9, tt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axe.transAxes) if show: if show: plot = interactive(update, time_index=(0, len(self)-1, stride)) anim = display(plot) else: return update elif output == 'show': anim = self._make_anim(variables, style, background, ax, figsize, show_time, plot_kwargs, anim_kwargs, True) if show: else: warnings.warn('Provided output parameter ' + output + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') anim = None return anim
def _init_anim(self, variables='all', style="2Dscatter", background=None, ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), show_time_in_title=False, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None): if variables == 'all': variables = list(range(len(self._variable_list))) if background is None: background = self if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if '3D' in style: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: fig = ax.figure if 'moving' not in style: background.plot(variables=variables, style=style, ax=ax, figsize=figsize, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs) if 'timeserie' in style: show_time = False if show_time and 'scatter' in style: if self.dimensional: tt = " at " + "{:.2f}".format(self._model_params.dimensional_time * self._time[0]) + " " + self._model_params.time_unit else: tt = " at " + str(self._time[0]) + " timeunits" if style == '2Dscatter': time_text = ax.text(0.1, 0.9, tt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) elif style == '3Dscatter': time_text = ax.text2D(0.1, 0.9, tt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) else: time_text = None if style == 'timeserie': xpoint = list() lines = ax.get_lines() for i in range(len(variables)): pp, = ax.plot([], [], marker=',', linestyle='', color=lines[i].get_c()) xpoint.append(pp) elif style == 'moving-timeserie': if 'frames' in anim_kwargs: ii = anim_kwargs['frames'] else: ii = -1 lines = list() var_min = 2.e168 var_max = -2.e168 end_time = -2.e168 start_time = 2.e168 for i in range(len(variables)): var_min = min(var_min, np.min(self.diagnostic[i])) var_max = max(var_max, np.max(self.diagnostic[i])) end_time = max(end_time, self._time[ii] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time)) start_time = min(start_time, self._time[0] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time)) time = self._time[:1] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time) lab = '$' + self._variable_labels[i] + '$' if self.dimensional: lab += r" [" + self._variable_units[i] + r"]" line, = ax.plot(time, self.diagnostic[variables[i]][:1], label=lab) # , **plot_kwargs lines.append(line) if var_min < 0.: var_min *= 1.03 else: var_min *= 0.97 if var_max > 0.: var_max *= 1.03 else: var_max *= 0.97 ax.set_xlim(start_time, end_time) ax.set_ylim(var_min, var_max) ax.legend() if self.dimensional: ax.set_xlabel(time_axis_label + ' [' + self._model_params.time_unit + ']') else: ax.set_xlabel(time_axis_label + ' [timeunits]') title = self._plot_title if self.dimensional: pass else: title += r" (in nondim units)" ax.set_title(title, pad=20.) xpoint = None elif style == '2Dscatter': xpoint, = ax.plot([], [], marker=',', linestyle='', color='r') lines = None elif style == '3Dscatter': xpoint, = ax.plot([], [], zs=[], marker=',', linestyle='', color='r') lines = None else: warnings.warn('Provided style parameter ' + style + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') return None fargs = (ax, show_time) kwargs = {'variables': variables, 'style': style, 'background': background, 'ax': ax, 'figsize': figsize, 'show_time': show_time, 'plot_kwargs': plot_kwargs, 'anim_kwargs': anim_kwargs, 'xpoint': xpoint, 'lines': lines, 'time_text': time_text} return fig, ax, fargs, kwargs def _make_update(self, variables='all', style="2Dscatter", background=None, ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), show_time_in_title=False, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None, time_text=None, lines=None, xpoint=None): if style == 'timeserie': def update(i, axe, show_t): if i == 1: for xp in xpoint: xp.set_marker('o') time = self._time[i:i+1] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time) for j, xp in enumerate(xpoint): xp.set_data(time, self.diagnostic[variables[j]][i:i+1]) return [axe] elif style == 'moving-timeserie': def update(i, axe, show_t): time = self._time[0:i+1] * (1 - int(self.dimensional) + int(self.dimensional) * self._model_params.dimensional_time) for j, line in enumerate(lines): line.set_xdata(time) line.set_ydata(self.diagnostic[variables[j]][0:i+1]) return [axe] elif style == '2Dscatter': def update(i, axe, show_t): if i == 1: xpoint.set_marker('o') xpoint.set_data(self.diagnostic[variables[0]][i:i+1], self.diagnostic[variables[1]][i:i+1]) if show_t: if self.dimensional: tt = " at " + "{:.2f}".format(self._model_params.dimensional_time * self._time[i]) + " " + self._model_params.time_unit else: tt = " at " + str(self._time[i]) + " timeunits" time_text.set_text(tt) return [axe] elif style == '3Dscatter': def update(i, axe, show_t): if i == 1: xpoint.set_marker('o') xpoint.set_data(self.diagnostic[variables[0]][i:i+1], self.diagnostic[variables[1]][i:i+1]) xpoint.set_3d_properties(self.diagnostic[variables[2]][i:i+1]) if show_t: if self.dimensional: tt = " at " + "{:.2f}".format(self._model_params.dimensional_time * self._time[i]) + " " + self._model_params.time_unit else: tt = " at " + str(self._time[i]) + " timeunits" time_text.set_text(tt) return [axe] else: warnings.warn('Provided style parameter ' + style + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') return None return update def _make_anim(self, variables='all', style="2Dscatter", background=None, ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None, blit=True): fig, ax, fargs, kwargs = self._init_anim(variables, style, background, ax, figsize, show_time, plot_kwargs, anim_kwargs) update = self._make_update(**kwargs) if 'blit' in anim_kwargs: del anim_kwargs['blit'] if anim_kwargs is not None: anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=fargs, blit=blit, **anim_kwargs) else: anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=fargs, blit=blit) return anim
[docs]class GeopotentialHeightDifferenceDiagnostic(VariablesDiagnostic): """Class to compute and show the geopotential height difference between points of the model's domain. Parameters ---------- points_list: list(2-tuple(2-tuple(float))) List of couple of point (as 2-tuple of float) of which to compute the geopotential height difference. model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, points_list, model_params, dimensional): self._point1 = list() self._point2 = list() self._func_points1 = None self._func_points2 = None variable_list = list(range(len(points_list))) VariablesDiagnostic.__init__(self, variable_list, model_params, dimensional) self._configure(points_list) self._plt = 'Geopotential height difference between points' self._plot_units = ' (in meters)' if self.dimensional: self._plot_title = self._plt + self._plot_units else: self._plot_title = self._plt def _configure(self, points_list, **kwargs): self.set_points(points_list)
[docs] def set_points(self, points_list): """Set the couples of points of the domain of which to compute the geopotential height difference. Parameters ---------- points_list: list(2-tuple(2-tuple(float))) List of couple of point (as 2-tuple of float) of which to compute the geopotential height difference. """ self._point1 = list() self._point2 = list() for points in points_list: self._point1.append(points[0]) self._point2.append(points[1]) self._variable_labels = [ r'\mathrm{Points} \, (' + "{:.2f}".format(self._point1[i][0])+',' + "{:.2f}".format(self._point1[i][1]) +r') \, \mathrm{and} \, (' + "{:.2f}".format(self._point2[i][0]) + ',' + "{:.2f}".format(self._point2[i][1])+')' for i in range(len(self._point1))] if self.dimensional: for i in range(len(self._variable_labels)): self._variable_labels[i] += r'\, \mathrm{in} \, ' self._variable_units = len(self._point1) * ['m'] self._compute_functions_value()
def _compute_functions_value(self): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 self._func_points1 = list() self._func_points2 = list() basis = self._model_params.atmospheric_basis funcs_list = basis.num_functions(self._subs) for point in self._point1: self._func_points1.append(list()) for func in funcs_list[offset:]: self._func_points1[-1].append(func(point[0], point[1])) for point in self._point2: self._func_points2.append(list()) for func in funcs_list[offset:]: self._func_points2[-1].append(func(point[0], point[1])) self._func_points1 = np.array(self._func_points1) self._func_points2 = np.array(self._func_points2) def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): vr = self._model_params.variables_range for i in range(len(self._variable_list)): val1 = self._func_points1[i] @ self._data[:vr[0], ...] val2 = self._func_points2[i] @ self._data[:vr[0], ...] v = val1 - val2 if i == 0: self._diagnostic_data = v[np.newaxis, :] else: self._diagnostic_data = np.vstack((self._diagnostic_data, v)) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data *= self._model_params.geopotential_scaling * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
if __name__ == '__main__': from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.integrators.integrator import RungeKuttaIntegrator from qgs.functions.tendencies import create_tendencies pars = QgParams() pars.set_atmospheric_channel_fourier_modes(2, 2) f, Df = create_tendencies(pars) integrator = RungeKuttaIntegrator() integrator.set_func(f) ic = np.random.rand(pars.ndim) * 0.1 integrator.integrate(0., 200000., 0.1, ic=ic, write_steps=5) time, traj = integrator.get_trajectories() integrator.terminate() var_nondim = VariablesDiagnostic([10, 0, 14], pars, False) var_dim = VariablesDiagnostic([10, 0, 14], pars, True) var_nondim(time, traj) var_dim(time, traj) geo_nondim = GeopotentialHeightDifferenceDiagnostic([[[np.pi/pars.scale_params.n, np.pi/4], [np.pi/pars.scale_params.n, 3*np.pi/4]], [[0, np.pi/4], [0, 3*np.pi/4]]], pars, False) geo_nondim.set_data(time, traj) geo_dim = GeopotentialHeightDifferenceDiagnostic([[[np.pi/pars.scale_params.n, np.pi/4], [np.pi/pars.scale_params.n, 3*np.pi/4]], [[0, np.pi/4], [0, 3*np.pi/4]]], pars, True) geo_dim.set_data(time, traj)