Source code for qgs.diagnostics.streamfunctions

    Diagnostic streamfunction classes

    Classes defining streamfunction fields diagnostics.

    Description of the classes

    * :class:`AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic`: General base class for atmospheric streamfunction fields diagnostic.
    * :class:`LowerLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi^3_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`UpperLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi^1_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`MiddleAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}`.
    * :class:`OceanicLayerStreamfunctionDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the oceanic layer streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi_{\\rm o}`.


import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import dblquad
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from qgs.diagnostics.util import create_grid_basis

from qgs.diagnostics.base import FieldDiagnostic

# TODO: - convert the matmul and swapaxes into tensordot (cleaner)

[docs]class AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(FieldDiagnostic): """General base class for atmospheric streamfunction fields diagnostic. Provide a spatial gridded representation of the fields. This is an `abstract base class`_, it must be subclassed to create new diagnostics! .. _abstract base class: Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): FieldDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, dimensional) self._configure(delta_x=delta_x, delta_y=delta_y) self._default_plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap('jet') def _compute_grid(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): if delta_x is None: ams = self._model_params.ablocks if ams is None: warnings.warn("AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic: Unable to configure the grid automatically. Atmospheric wavenumbers information not " + "present in the model's parameters ! Please call the compute_grid method with the delta_x and delta_y parameters.") return 1 xwn = [ams[i][0] for i in range(len(ams))] mxwn = max(xwn) n_point_x = 4 * mxwn + 2 else: n_point_x = int(np.ceil((2 * np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n) / delta_x) + 1) if delta_y is None: ams = self._model_params.ablocks if ams is None: warnings.warn("AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic: Unable to configure the grid automatically. Atmospheric wavenumbers information not " + "present in the model's parameters ! Please call the compute_grid method with the delta_x and delta_y parameters.") return 1 ywn = [ams[i][1] for i in range(len(ams))] mywn = max(ywn) n_point_y = 4 * mywn + 2 else: n_point_y = int(np.ceil(np.pi / delta_y) + 1) x = np.linspace(0., 2 * np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n, n_point_x) y = np.linspace(0., np.pi, n_point_y) self._X, self._Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) def _configure(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): self._compute_grid(delta_x, delta_y) self._grid_basis = create_grid_basis(self._model_params.atmospheric_basis, self._X, self._Y, self._subs) if self._orography: if self._model_params.ground_params.orographic_basis == "atmospheric": self._oro_basis = self._grid_basis else: self._oro_basis = create_grid_basis(self._model_params.ground_basis, self._X, self._Y, self._subs) else: self._oro_basis = None
[docs]class LowerLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the lower layer atmospheric streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi^3_{\\rm a}`. Computed as :math:`\\psi^3_{\\rm a} = \\psi_{\\rm a} - \\theta_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` and :math:`\\theta_{\\rm a}` are respectively the barotropic and baroclinic streamfunctions. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric $\psi_{\rm a}^3$ streamfunction' self._plot_units = r" (in " + self._model_params.get_variable_units(0) + r")" def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) theta = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) psi3 = psi - theta if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = psi3 * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = psi3 self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class UpperLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the upper layer atmospheric streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi^1_{\\rm a}`. Computed as :math:`\\psi^1_{\\rm a} = \\psi_{\\rm a} + \\theta_{\\rm a}` where :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` and :math:`\\theta_{\\rm a}` are respectively the barotropic and baroclinic streamfunctions. See also the :ref:`files/model/atmosphere:Atmospheric component` and :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric $\psi_{\rm a}^1$ streamfunction' self._plot_units = r" (in " + self._model_params.get_variable_units(0) + r")" def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) theta = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[0]+offset:vr[1], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) psi1 = psi + theta if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = psi1 * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = psi1 self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class MiddleAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi_{\\rm a}` at 500hPa, i.e. the barotropic streamfunction of the system. See also :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Mid-layer equations and the thermal wind relation` sections. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. geopotential: bool, optional Dimensionalize the field in geopotential height (in meter). Default to `False`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True, geopotential=False): AtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) if geopotential: self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric 500hPa geopotential height' self._plot_units = r" (in m)" else: self._plot_title = r'Atmospheric 500hPa $\psi_{\rm a}$ streamfunction' self._plot_units = r" (in " + self._model_params.get_variable_units(0) + r")" self._default_plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap('gist_rainbow_r') self.geopotential = geopotential if geopotential: self._color_bar_format = False def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[:vr[0], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) factor = 1. if dimensional: factor *= self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True if self.geopotential: factor *= self._model_params.geopotential_scaling else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False self._diagnostic_data = psi * factor return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class OceanicStreamfunctionDiagnostic(FieldDiagnostic): """General base class for oceanic streamfunction fields diagnostic. Provide a spatial gridded representation of the fields. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True): FieldDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, dimensional) self._configure(delta_x=delta_x, delta_y=delta_y) self._default_plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap('jet') def _compute_grid(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): if delta_x is None: oms = self._model_params.oblocks if oms is None: warnings.warn("OceanicStreamfunctionDiagnostic: Unable to configure the grid automatically. Oceanic wavenumbers information not " + "present in the model's parameters ! Please call the compute_grid method with the delta_x and delta_y parameters.") return 1 xwn = [oms[i][0] for i in range(len(oms))] mxwn = max(xwn) n_point_x = 4 * mxwn + 2 else: n_point_x = int(np.ceil((2 * np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n) / delta_x) + 1) if delta_y is None: oms = self._model_params.oblocks if oms is None: warnings.warn("OceanicStreamfunctionDiagnostic: Unable to configure the grid automatically. Oceanic wavenumbers information not " + "present in the model's parameters ! Please call the compute_grid method with the delta_x and delta_y parameters.") return 1 ywn = [oms[i][1] for i in range(len(oms))] mywn = max(ywn) n_point_y = 4 * mywn + 2 else: n_point_y = int(np.ceil(np.pi / delta_y) + 1) x = np.linspace(0., 2 * np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n, n_point_x) y = np.linspace(0., np.pi, n_point_y) self._X, self._Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) def _configure(self, model_params=None, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): if not self._ocean: warnings.warn("OceanicStreamfunctionDiagnostic: No ocean configuration found in the provided parameters. This model version does not have an ocean. " + "Please check your configuration.") return 1 self._compute_grid(delta_x, delta_y) basis = self._model_params.oceanic_basis self._grid_basis = create_grid_basis(basis, self._X, self._Y, self._subs)
[docs]class OceanicLayerStreamfunctionDiagnostic(OceanicStreamfunctionDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the oceanic layer streamfunction fields :math:`\\psi_{\\rm o}`. Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. conserved: bool, optional Whether to plot the conserved oceanic fields or not. Default to `True`. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True, conserved=True): OceanicStreamfunctionDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) vr = self._model_params.variables_range self._plot_title = r'Oceanic streamfunction' self._plot_units = r" (in " + self._model_params.get_variable_units(vr[1]) + r")" self._conserved = conserved self._fields_average = list() basis = self._model_params.oceanic_basis for func in basis.num_functions(self._subs): average = dblquad(func, 0, np.pi, 0, 2*np.pi/model_params.scale_params.n)[0] / (np.pi * 2*np.pi/model_params.scale_params.n) self._fields_average.append(average) self._fields_average = np.array(self._fields_average) def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): if self._model_params.dynamic_T: offset = 1 else: offset = 0 vr = self._model_params.variables_range if self._conserved: cgrid = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(self._grid_basis, 0, -1) - self._fields_average, 0, -1) else: cgrid = self._grid_basis psi = np.swapaxes(self._data[vr[1]:vr[2], ...].T @ np.swapaxes(cgrid[offset:], 0, 1), 0, 1) if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data = psi * self._model_params.streamfunction_scaling self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data = psi self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
if __name__ == '__main__': from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.integrators.integrator import RungeKuttaIntegrator from qgs.functions.tendencies import create_tendencies pars = QgParams() pars.set_atmospheric_channel_fourier_modes(2, 2) f, Df = create_tendencies(pars) integrator = RungeKuttaIntegrator() integrator.set_func(f) ic = np.random.rand(pars.ndim) * 0.1 integrator.integrate(0., 200000., 0.1, ic=ic, write_steps=5) time, traj = integrator.get_trajectories() integrator.terminate() psi3 = LowerLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(pars) psi3(time, traj) psi1 = UpperLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(pars) psi1(time, traj) psi = MiddleAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(pars) psi(time, traj)