Source code for qgs.diagnostics.multi

    Multidiagnostic class

    This class is used to analyze and plot simultaneously several diagnostic together.

import warnings
import base64
import numpy as np
from itertools import product

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from IPython.display import HTML, display
from ipywidgets import interactive

[docs]class MultiDiagnostic(object): """class analyze and plot simultaneously several diagnostic together. The diagnostics information are plotted in arrays of fixed dimensions, defining the total number of diagnostics that the object can hold. Parameters ---------- nrows: int The number of rows of diagnostic. ncols: int The number of columns of diagnostic Attributes ---------- figure: ~matplotlib.figure.Figure The Matplotlib figure instance where the data are plotted. """ def __init__(self, nrows, ncols): self._geometry = (nrows, ncols) self._diagnostics_list = list() self._diagnostics_position = list() self._position_to_index = np.zeros(self._geometry, dtype=int) self._position_occupied = np.full(self._geometry, False) self._diagnostic_kwargs_list = list() self._plot_kwargs_list = list() self._figures_array = None self._axes_array = None self.figure = None def __len__(self): return self._geometry[0] * self._geometry[1] def __call__(self, time, data): self.set_data(time, data) @property def _diagnostic_min_len(self): diag_len = list() for diag in self._diagnostics_list: diag_len.append(diag.__len__()) try: min_len = min(diag_len) return min_len except: return 0 @property def ncols(self): """int: The number of columns of diagnostic.""" return self._geometry[1] @property def nrows(self): """int: The number of rows of diagnostic.""" return self._geometry[0] @property def _figure_list(self): if self._figures_array is None: return None else: return list(self._figures_array.flatten())
[docs] def set_data(self, time, data): """Provide the model data to all the diagnostics. Parameters ---------- time: ~numpy.ndarray The time (in nondimensional timeunits) corresponding to the data. Its length should match the length of the last axis of the provided `data`. data: ~numpy.ndarray The model output data that the user want to convert using the diagnostic. """ for diagnostic in self._diagnostics_list: out = diagnostic(time, data)
@property def diagnostic(self): """list(~numpy.ndarray): The output diagnostics as a list.""" ret = list() for diagnostic in self._diagnostics_list: diag = diagnostic.diagnostic ret.append(diag) return ret @property def diagnostics_list(self): """list(Diagnostic): The list of stored diagnostics.""" return self._diagnostics_list @property def diagnostic_positions(self): """list(tuple(int)): Position occupied by each diagnostic in the plotting array.""" return self._diagnostics_position
[docs] def add_diagnostic(self, diagnostic, position=None, diagnostic_kwargs=None, plot_kwargs=None): """Method to add a diagnostic to the list. Parameters ---------- diagnostic: Diagnostic Diagnostic to add. position: tuple(int), optional 2-tuple specifying the position of the diagnostic in the plotting array. Find a *free* spot in the array if not specified. If the plotting array is full, a position **must** be provided to overwrite a already defined diagnostic. diagnostic_kwargs: dict, optional Dictionary of arguments to pass to the `plot`, `animate` and `movie` method of the provided diagnostic. plot_kwargs: dict, optional Specific `plot_kwargs` argument to pass to the `plot`, `animate` and `movie` method of the provided diagnostic. If provided, overwrite the one possibly present in the `diagnostic_kwargs` above. """ if position is None: for i, j in product(range(self._geometry[0]), range(self._geometry[1])): if not self._position_occupied[i, j]: position = (i, j) break else: warnings.warn('All diagnostic position already occupied. Please specify the position argument to overwrite.') return None self._diagnostics_list.append(diagnostic) self._diagnostic_kwargs_list.append(diagnostic_kwargs) self._plot_kwargs_list.append(plot_kwargs) self._diagnostics_position.append(position) self._position_occupied[position[0], position[1]] = True self._position_to_index[position[0], position[1]] = len(self._diagnostics_list)-1 else: index = self._position_to_index[position[0], position[1]] self._diagnostics_list[index] = diagnostic self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[index] = diagnostic_kwargs self._plot_kwargs_list[index] = plot_kwargs
[docs] def plot(self, time_index, figure=None, figsize=(16, 9), tight_layout=False): """Plot the fields of the provided data at the given time index. Parameters ---------- time_index: int The time index of the data. figure: ~matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional The Matplotlib figure instance where the data are plotted. Update the `figure` attribute of the object. If not provided, use the `figure` attribute of the object. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. Used only if a new figure must be created. tight_layout: bool, optional Enforce a tight layout of the diagnostics axes. """ if figure is None: self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) self._figures_array = self.figure.subfigures(*self._geometry, squeeze=False) self._axes_array = np.empty_like(self._figures_array) for i in range(self._geometry[0]): for j in range(self._geometry[1]): index = self._position_to_index[i, j] kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[index] if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() if 'style' in kwargs: if '3D' in kwargs['style']: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) elif figure is False: pass else: self.figure = figure for i, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): position = self._diagnostics_position[i] ax = self._axes_array[position[0], position[1]] if self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[i] is not None: kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[i] try: del kwargs['ax'] except: pass else: kwargs = dict() if self._plot_kwargs_list[i] is not None: kwargs['plot_kwargs'] = self._plot_kwargs_list[i] diagnostic.plot(time_index, ax=ax, **kwargs) if tight_layout: self.figure.tight_layout()
[docs] def animate(self, output='animate', figure=None, figsize=(16, 9), stride=1, anim_kwargs=None): """Return the output of the `plot` method animated over time. Parameters ---------- output: str, optional Define the kind of animation being created. Can be: * `animate`: Create and show a :class:`ipywidgets.widgets.interaction.interactive` widget. Works only in Jupyter notebooks. * `show`: Create and show an animation with the :mod:`matplotlib.animation` module. Works only in IPython or Python. figure: ~matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional The Matplotlib figure instance where the data are plotted. Update the `figure` attribute of the object. If not provided, use the `figure` attribute of the object. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. Used only if a new figure must be created. stride: int, optional Specify the time step of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `animate`. anim_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` instantiation method. Specify the parameters of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `show`. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or ~IPython.display.DisplayHandle The animation object. """ if output == 'animate': kwargs_list = list() for j, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): if self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[j] is not None: kwargs_list.append(self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[j].copy()) else: kwargs_list.append(dict()) kwargs_list[-1]['output'] = output kwargs_list[-1]['show'] = False if self._plot_kwargs_list[j] is not None: kwargs_list[-1]['plot_kwargs'] = self._plot_kwargs_list[j] if anim_kwargs is not None: kwargs_list[-1]['anim_kwargs'] = anim_kwargs def update_tot(time_index): ## no subfigure clf, so we recreate the figure all the time self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) self._figures_array = self.figure.subfigures(*self._geometry, squeeze=False) self._axes_array = np.empty_like(self._figures_array) for k in range(self._geometry[0]): for j in range(self._geometry[1]): index = self._position_to_index[k, j] kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[index] if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() if 'style' in kwargs: if '3D' in kwargs['style']: self._axes_array[k, j] = self._figures_array[k, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: self._axes_array[k, j] = self._figures_array[k, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: self._axes_array[k, j] = self._figures_array[k, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) for j, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): position = self._diagnostics_position[j] ax = self._axes_array[position[0], position[1]] kwargs_list[j]['ax'] = ax update = diagnostic.animate(**kwargs_list[j]) update(time_index) plot = interactive(update_tot, time_index=(0, self._diagnostic_min_len-1, stride)) anim = display(plot) elif output == 'show': if figure is None: self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) self._figures_array = self.figure.subfigures(*self._geometry, squeeze=False) self._axes_array = np.empty_like(self._figures_array) for i in range(self._geometry[0]): for j in range(self._geometry[1]): index = self._position_to_index[i, j] kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[index] if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() if 'style' in kwargs: if '3D' in kwargs['style']: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) elif figure is False: pass else: self.figure = figure fargs_list = list() update_list = list() for j, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): position = self._diagnostics_position[j] ax = self._axes_array[position[0], position[1]] if self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[j] is not None: kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[j].copy() try: del kwargs['output'] except: pass try: del kwargs['show'] except: pass else: kwargs = dict() kwargs['ax'] = ax if self._plot_kwargs_list[j] is not None: kwargs['plot_kwargs'] = self._plot_kwargs_list[j] if anim_kwargs is not None: kwargs['anim_kwargs'] = anim_kwargs fig, axe, fargs, kwargs = diagnostic._init_anim(**kwargs) update = diagnostic._make_update(**kwargs) fargs_list.append(fargs) update_list.append(update) def update_tot(i, update_lst, fargs_lst): ax_list = list() for up, fags in zip(update_lst, fargs_lst): out = up(i, *fags) ax_list.append(out[0]) return ax_list if anim_kwargs is not None: if 'blit' in anim_kwargs: del anim_kwargs['blit'] anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.figure, update_tot, fargs=[update_list, fargs_list], blit=True, **anim_kwargs) else: anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.figure, update_tot, fargs=[update_list, fargs_list], blit=True) else: warnings.warn('Provided output parameter ' + output + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') anim = None return anim
[docs] def movie(self, output='html', filename='', figure=None, figsize=(16, 9), anim_kwargs=None): """ Create and return a movie of the output of the `plot` method animated over time. Parameters ---------- output: str, optional Define the kind of movie being created. Can be: * `jshtml`: Generate an interactive HTML representation of the animation. * `html5`: Generate the movie as HTML5 code. * `html`: Output the movie as a HTML video tag. * `ihtml`: Output the interactive movie as a HTML video tag. * `save`: Save the movie in MP4 format (H264 codec). Default to `html`. filename: str, optional Filename (and path) where to save the movie. Needed if `output` is set to `save`. figure: ~matplotlib.figure.Figure, optional The Matplotlib figure instance where the data are plotted. Update the `figure` attribute of the object. If not provided, use the `figure` attribute of the object. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. Used only if a new figure must be created. anim_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` instantiation method. Specify the parameters of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `show`. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or HTML code or HTML tag The animation object or the HTML code or tag. """ if figure is None: self.figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) self._figures_array = self.figure.subfigures(*self._geometry, squeeze=False) self._axes_array = np.empty_like(self._figures_array) for i in range(self._geometry[0]): for j in range(self._geometry[1]): index = self._position_to_index[i, j] kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[index] if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() if 'style' in kwargs: if '3D' in kwargs['style']: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d') else: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) else: self._axes_array[i, j] = self._figures_array[i, j].add_subplot(1, 1, 1) elif figure is False: pass else: self.figure = figure fargs_list = list() update_list = list() for j, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): position = self._diagnostics_position[j] ax = self._axes_array[position[0], position[1]] if self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[j] is not None: kwargs = self._diagnostic_kwargs_list[j].copy() try: del kwargs['output'] except: pass try: del kwargs['show'] except: pass else: kwargs = dict() kwargs['ax'] = ax if self._plot_kwargs_list[j] is not None: kwargs['plot_kwargs'] = self._plot_kwargs_list[j] if anim_kwargs is not None: kwargs['anim_kwargs'] = anim_kwargs if 'show_time' in kwargs: if not kwargs['show_time']: kwargs['show_time_in_title'] = False else: kwargs['show_time_in_title'] = True kwargs['show_time'] = False else: kwargs['show_time_in_title'] = True kwargs['show_time'] = False fig, axe, fargs, kwargs = diagnostic._init_anim(**kwargs) update = diagnostic._make_update(**kwargs) fargs_list.append(fargs) update_list.append(update) def update_tot(i, update_lst, fargs_lst): ax_list = list() for up, fags in zip(update_lst, fargs_lst): out = up(i, *fags) ax_list.append(out[0]) return ax_list if anim_kwargs is not None: if 'blit' in anim_kwargs: del anim_kwargs['blit'] anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.figure, update_tot, fargs=[update_list, fargs_list], blit=False, **anim_kwargs) else: anim = animation.FuncAnimation(self.figure, update_tot, fargs=[update_list, fargs_list], blit=False) if 'html' in output: if output == "jshtml" or output == 'ihtml': jshtml = anim.to_jshtml() if output == "jshtml": return jshtml else: return HTML(jshtml) else: html5 = anim.to_html5_video() if output == 'html5': return html5 else: return HTML(html5) elif output == 'save': if not filename: warnings.warn('No filename provided to the method animate. Video not saved !\n Please provide a filename.') html = anim.to_html5_video() start_index = html.index('base64,') start_index += len('base64,') end_index = html.index('">', start_index) video = html[start_index: end_index] with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(video)) else: warnings.warn('Provided output parameter ' + output + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') anim = None return anim
[docs]class FieldsDiagnosticsList(object): """General base class for plotting multiple diagnostics on a single axe. The diagnostics must be provided as a list. Assumes that the first diagnostic in the list set the parameters that are not specified. Parameters ---------- diagnostics_list: list List of initialized auxialiary diagnostics to plot with the main diagnostic. """ def __init__(self, diagnostics_list=None): if diagnostics_list is not None: self._diagnostics_list = diagnostics_list else: self._diagnostics_list = list()
[docs] def append_diagnostic(self, diagnostic): """Method to add an auxiliary diagnostic to the list. Parameters ---------- diagnostic: Diagnostic The diagnostic to add to the list. """ self._diagnostics_list.append(diagnostic)
def __call__(self, time, data, index=None): self.set_data(time, data, index) def __len__(self): diag_len = list() for diag in self._diagnostics_list: diag_len.append(diag.__len__()) try: min_len = min(diag_len) return min_len except: return 0
[docs] def set_data(self, time, data, index=None): """Provide the model data to the index-th diagnostic. Parameters ---------- time: ~numpy.ndarray The time (in nondimensional timeunits) corresponding to the data. Its length should match the length of the last axis of the provided `data`. data: ~numpy.ndarray The model output data that the user want to convert using the diagnostic. Should be a 2D array of shape (:attr:`~.params.QgParams.ndim`, number_of_timesteps). index: int or None The index of the diagnostic in the list to provide the data to. """ if self._diagnostics_list is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostics available. Doing nothing.') return None if index is None: return None else: self._diagnostics_list[index].set_data(time, data)
[docs] def plot(self, time_index, style="image", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), contour_labels=True, color_bar=True, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, oro_kwargs=None): """Plot the field of the provided diagnostics at the given time index. Almost all the parameters (except `ax` and `figsize`) and fig should be lists corresponding to diagnostics in the list. If a single parameter is provided, it applies to all the diagnostics. Parameters ---------- time_index: list(int) The time index of the data. style: list(str), optional The style of the plot. Can be: * `image`: show the fields as images with a given colormap specified in the `plot_kwargs` argument. * `contour`: show the fields as contour superimposed on the image of the orographic height (if it exists, see the `oro_kwargs` below). ax: ~matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An axes on which to plot the fields. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. contour_labels: list(bool), optional If `style` is set to `contour`, specify if the contours must be labelled with their value or not. Default to `True`. color_bar: list(bool), optional Specify if a color bar must be drawn beside the plot or not. Default to `True`. show_time: list(bool), optional Show the timestamp of the field on the plot or not. Default to `True`. plot_kwargs: list(dict), optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method if `style` is set to `image`, or to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` method if `style` is set to `contour`. oro_kwargs: list(dict), optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method plotting the image of the orography if `style` is set to `contour`. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.axes.Axes An axes where the data were plotted. """ if self._diagnostics_list is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostics available. Showing nothing.') return None if not isinstance(time_index, (list, tuple)): time_index = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [time_index] if not isinstance(style, (list, tuple)): style = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [style] if not isinstance(contour_labels, (list, tuple)): contour_labels = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [contour_labels] if not isinstance(color_bar, (list, tuple)): color_bar = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [color_bar] if not isinstance(show_time, (list, tuple)): show_time = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [show_time] if not isinstance(plot_kwargs, (list, tuple)): plot_kwargs = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [plot_kwargs] if not isinstance(oro_kwargs, (list, tuple)): oro_kwargs = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [oro_kwargs] if ax is None: fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.gca() for j, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): diagnostic.plot(time_index[j], style[j], ax, figsize, contour_labels[j], color_bar[j], show_time[j], plot_kwargs[j], oro_kwargs[j]) return ax
[docs] def movie(self, output='html', filename='', style="image", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), contour_labels=True, color_bar=True, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, oro_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None): """ Create and return a movie of the output of the `plot` method animated over time. Almost all the parameters (except `output`, `filename`, `ax`, `figsize`, and `anim_kwargs`) and fig should be lists corresponding to diagnostics in the list. If a single parameter is provided, it applies to all the diagnostics. Parameters ---------- output: str, optional Define the kind of movie being created. Can be: * `jshtml`: Generate an interactive HTML representation of the animation. * `html5`: Generate the movie as HTML5 code. * `html`: Output the movie as a HTML video tag. * `ihtml`: Output the interactive movie as a HTML video tag. * `save`: Save the movie in MP4 format (H264 codec). Default to `html`. filename: str, optional Filename (and path) where to save the movie. Needed if `output` is set to `save`. style: lits(str), optional The style of the plot. Can be: * `image`: show the fields as images with a given colormap specified in the `plot_kwargs` argument. * `contour`: show the fields as contour superimposed on the image of the orographic height (see the `oro_kwargs` below). ax: ~matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An axes on which to plot the fields. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. contour_labels: list(bool), optional If `style` is set to `contour`, specify if the contours must be labelled with their value or not. Default to `True`. color_bar: list(bool), optional Specify if a color bar must be drawn beside the plot or not. Default to `True`. show_time: list(bool), optional Show the timestamp of the field on the plot or not. Default to `True`. plot_kwargs: list(dict), optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method if `style` is set to `image`, or to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` method if `style` is set to `contour`. oro_kwargs: list(dict), optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method plotting the image of the orography if `style` is set to `contour`. anim_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` instantiation method. Specify the parameters of the animation. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or HTML code or HTML tag The animation object or the HTML code or tag. """ anim = self._make_anim(style, ax, figsize, contour_labels, color_bar, show_time, plot_kwargs, oro_kwargs, anim_kwargs, False) if 'html' in output: if output == "jshtml" or output == 'ihtml': jshtml = anim.to_jshtml() if output == "jshtml": return jshtml else: return HTML(jshtml) else: html5 = anim.to_html5_video() if output == 'html5': return html5 else: return HTML(html5) elif output == 'save': if not filename: warnings.warn('No filename provided to the method animate. Video not saved !\n Please provide a filename.') html5 = anim.to_html5_video() start_index = html5.index('base64,') start_index += len('base64,') end_index = html5.index('">', start_index) video = html5[start_index: end_index] with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(base64.b64decode(video)) return html5 else: warnings.warn('Provided output parameter ' + output + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') anim = None return anim
[docs] def animate(self, output='animate', style="image", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), contour_labels=True, color_bar=True, show_time=True, stride=1, plot_kwargs=None, oro_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None, show=True): """Return the output of the `plot` method animated over time. Almost all the parameters (except `animate`, `ax`, `figsize`, `stride`, `anim_kwargs` and `show`) and fig should be lists corresponding to diagnostics in the list. If a single parameter is provided, it applies to all the diagnostics. Parameters ---------- output: str, optional Define the kind of animation being created. Can be: * `animate`: Create and show a :class:`ipywidgets.widgets.interaction.interactive` widget. Works only in Jupyter notebooks. * `show`: Create and show an animation with the :mod:`matplotlib.animation` module. Works only in IPython or Python. style: list(str), optional The style of the plot. Can be: * `image`: show the fields as images with a given colormap specified in the `plot_kwargs` argument. * `contour`: show the fields as contour superimposed on the image of the orographic height (see the `oro_kwargs` below). ax: ~matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional An axes on which to plot the fields. figsize: tuple(float), optional The size of the figure in inches as a 2-tuple. contour_labels: list(bool), optional If `style` is set to `contour`, specify if the contours must be labelled with their value or not. Default to `True`. color_bar: list(bool), optional Specify if a color bar must be drawn beside the plot or not. Default to `True`. show_time: list(bool), optional Show the timestamp of the field on the plot or not. Default to `True`. stride: int, optional Specify the time step of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `animate`. plot_kwargs: list(dict), optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method if `style` is set to `image`, or to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.contour` method if `style` is set to `contour`. oro_kwargs: list(dict), optional Arguments to pass to the :meth:`matplotlib.axes.Axes.imshow` method plotting the image of the orography if `style` is set to `contour`. anim_kwargs: dict, optional Arguments to pass to the :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` instantiation method. Specify the parameters of the animation. Works only with `output` set to `show`. show: bool, optional Whether to plot or not the animation. Returns ------- ~matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation or ~IPython.display.DisplayHandle or callable The animation object or the callable to update the widget, depending on the value of the `output` and `show` parameters. """ if self._diagnostics_list is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostic available. Showing nothing. Returning None.') return None if not isinstance(style, (list, tuple)): style = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [style] if not isinstance(contour_labels, (list, tuple)): contour_labels = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [contour_labels] if not isinstance(color_bar, (list, tuple)): color_bar = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [color_bar] if not isinstance(show_time, (list, tuple)): show_time = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [show_time] if not isinstance(plot_kwargs, (list, tuple)): plot_kwargs = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [plot_kwargs] if not isinstance(oro_kwargs, (list, tuple)): oro_kwargs = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [oro_kwargs] if output == 'animate': if style == 'image': for i, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): vmin = diagnostic.min() * 1.03 vmax = diagnostic.max() * 1.03 if plot_kwargs[i] is not None: if 'vmin' not in plot_kwargs[i]: plot_kwargs[i]['vmin'] = vmin if 'vmax' not in plot_kwargs[i]: plot_kwargs[i]['vmax'] = vmax else: plot_kwargs[i] = dict() plot_kwargs[i]['vmin'] = vmin plot_kwargs[i]['vmax'] = vmax def update(time_index): axe = None for i, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): if i == 0: pack = diagnostic.plot(time_index, style[i], ax, figsize, contour_labels[i], color_bar[i], show_time[i], plot_kwargs[i], oro_kwargs[i]) if hasattr(pack, '__getitem__'): axe = pack[0] else: axe = pack else: diagnostic.plot(time_index, style[i], axe, figsize, contour_labels[i], color_bar[i], show_time[i], plot_kwargs[i], oro_kwargs[i]) if show: if show: plot = interactive(update, time_index=(0, len(self._diagnostics_list[0])-1, stride)) anim = display(plot) else: return update elif output == 'show': anim = self._make_anim(style, ax, figsize, contour_labels, color_bar, show_time, plot_kwargs, oro_kwargs, anim_kwargs, True) if show: else: warnings.warn('Provided output parameter ' + output + ' not supported ! Nothing to plot. Returning None.') anim = None return anim
def _init_anim(self, style="image", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), contour_labels=True, color_bar=True, show_time_in_title=False, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, oro_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None): if self._diagnostics_list is None: warnings.warn('No diagnostic data available. Showing nothing. Returning None.') return None if not isinstance(style, (list, tuple)): style = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [style] if not isinstance(contour_labels, (list, tuple)): contour_labels = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [contour_labels] if not isinstance(color_bar, (list, tuple)): color_bar = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [color_bar] if not isinstance(show_time, (list, tuple)): show_time = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [show_time] if not isinstance(plot_kwargs, (list, tuple)): plot_kwargs = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [plot_kwargs] if not isinstance(oro_kwargs, (list, tuple)): oro_kwargs = (len(self._diagnostics_list)) * [oro_kwargs] if style == 'image': for i, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): vmin = diagnostic.min() * 1.03 vmax = diagnostic.max() * 1.03 if plot_kwargs[i] is not None: if 'vmin' not in plot_kwargs[i]: plot_kwargs[i]['vmin'] = vmin if 'vmax' not in plot_kwargs[i]: plot_kwargs[i]['vmax'] = vmax else: plot_kwargs[i] = dict() plot_kwargs[i]['vmin'] = vmin plot_kwargs[i]['vmax'] = vmax for i, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): pack = diagnostic.plot(0, style[i], ax, figsize, contour_labels[i], color_bar[i], show_time_in_title, plot_kwargs[i], oro_kwargs[i]) if hasattr(pack, '__getitem__'): ax = pack[0] else: ax = pack fig = ax.figure if show_time[i]: if self._diagnostics_list[i].dimensional: tt = " at " + "{:.2f}".format(self._diagnostics_list[i]._model_params.dimensional_time * self._diagnostics_list[i]._time[0]) \ + " " + self._diagnostics_list[i]._model_params.time_unit else: tt = " at " + str(self._diagnostics_list[i]._time[0]) + " timeunits" ax.text(0.1, 0.9, tt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) fargs = (ax, show_time_in_title, show_time) kwargs = {'style': style, 'ax': ax, 'figsize': figsize, 'contour_labels': contour_labels, 'color_bar': color_bar, 'show_time_in_title': show_time_in_title, 'show_time': show_time, 'plot_kwargs': plot_kwargs, 'oro_kwargs': oro_kwargs, 'anim_kwargs': anim_kwargs} return fig, ax, fargs, kwargs def _make_update(self, style="image", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), contour_labels=True, color_bar=True, show_time_in_title=False, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, oro_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None): def update(i, axe, show_t_in_title, show_t): axe.clear() for j, diagnostic in enumerate(self._diagnostics_list): axe = diagnostic.plot(i, style[j], axe, figsize, contour_labels[j], False, show_t_in_title, plot_kwargs[j], oro_kwargs[j]) if show_t[j]: if self._diagnostics_list[j].dimensional: tt = " at " + "{:.2f}".format(self._diagnostics_list[j]._model_params.dimensional_time * self._diagnostics_list[j]._time[i]) \ + " " + self._diagnostics_list[j]._model_params.time_unit else: tt = " at " + str(self._diagnostics_list[j]._time[i]) + " timeunits" axe.text(0.1, 0.9, tt, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=axe.transAxes) return [axe] return update def _make_anim(self, style="image", ax=None, figsize=(16, 9), contour_labels=True, color_bar=True, show_time=True, plot_kwargs=None, oro_kwargs=None, anim_kwargs=None, blit=True): if show_time: if blit: show_time_in_title = False else: show_time_in_title = True show_time = False else: show_time_in_title = False fig, ax, fargs, kwargs = self._init_anim(style, ax, figsize, contour_labels, color_bar, show_time_in_title, show_time, plot_kwargs, oro_kwargs, anim_kwargs) update = self._make_update(**kwargs) if anim_kwargs is not None: if 'blit' in anim_kwargs: del anim_kwargs['blit'] anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=fargs, blit=blit, **anim_kwargs) else: anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, fargs=fargs, blit=blit) return anim
if __name__ == '__main__': from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.integrators.integrator import RungeKuttaIntegrator from qgs.functions.tendencies import create_tendencies from qgs.diagnostics.streamfunctions import LowerLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic, UpperLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic, \ MiddleAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic from qgs.diagnostics.temperatures import MiddleAtmosphericTemperatureDiagnostic from qgs.diagnostics.variables import VariablesDiagnostic, GeopotentialHeightDifferenceDiagnostic pars = QgParams() pars.set_atmospheric_channel_fourier_modes(2, 2) f, Df = create_tendencies(pars) integrator = RungeKuttaIntegrator() integrator.set_func(f) ic = np.random.rand(pars.ndim) * 0.1 integrator.integrate(0., 200000., 0.1, ic=ic, write_steps=5) time, traj = integrator.get_trajectories() integrator.terminate() psi3 = LowerLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(pars) psi1 = UpperLayerAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(pars) psi = MiddleAtmosphericStreamfunctionDiagnostic(pars) theta = MiddleAtmosphericTemperatureDiagnostic(pars) var_nondim = VariablesDiagnostic([1, 2, 0], pars, False) geo_dim = GeopotentialHeightDifferenceDiagnostic([[[np.pi/pars.scale_params.n, np.pi/4], [np.pi/pars.scale_params.n, 3*np.pi/4]], [[0, np.pi/4], [0, 3*np.pi/4]]], pars, True) kw = {'frames': 100, 'interval': 100, 'blit': False} pkw = {'ms': 0.1} m = MultiDiagnostic(2, 2) m.add_diagnostic(var_nondim, diagnostic_kwargs={'style':'2Dscatter'}, plot_kwargs=pkw) # m.add_diagnostic(geo_dim, diagnostic_kwargs={'style': 'moving-timeserie'}, plot_kwargs=pkw) m.add_diagnostic(psi1) m.add_diagnostic(psi3) m.add_diagnostic(theta) m(time, traj)