Source code for qgs.diagnostics.eddy

    Diagnostic eddy classes

    Classes defining eddy related fields diagnostics.

    Description of the classes

    * :class:`MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric eddy heat flux field.
    * :class:`MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxProfileDiagnostic`: Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric eddy heat flux zonally averaged profile.


import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simpson
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from qgs.diagnostics.base import FieldDiagnostic, ProfileDiagnostic
from qgs.diagnostics.temperatures import MiddleAtmosphericTemperatureAnomalyDiagnostic
from qgs.diagnostics.wind import MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic

[docs]class MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxDiagnostic(FieldDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric eddy heat flux field. Computed as :math:`v'_{\\rm a} \\, T'_{\\rm a}` and scaled with the atmospheric specific heat capicity if available (through the `heat_capacity` argument or the :attr:`~.AtmosphericTemperatureParams.gamma` parameter). Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. temp_mean_state: MiddleAtmosphericTemperatureDiagnostic, optional A temperature diagnostic with a long trajectory as data to compute the mean temperature field. If not provided, compute the mean with the data stored in the object. vwind_mean_state: MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic, optional A :math:`v` wind diagnostic with a long trajectory as data to compute the mean wind field. If not provided, compute the mean with the data stored in the object. heat_capacity: float, optional The air specific heat capacity. If not provided, uses the one of :attr:`~.AtmosphericTemperatureParams.gamma` if available or or let the heat flux in K m s^{-1}. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True, temp_mean_state=None, vwind_mean_state=None, heat_capacity=None): FieldDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, dimensional) self._plot_title = r'Eddy heat flux in the middle of the atmosphere' if heat_capacity is not None or model_params.atemperature_params.gamma is not None: self._plot_title += r" $\gamma_{\rm a} v'_{\rm a} \, T'_{\rm a}$" self._plot_units = r" (in " + r'W m$^{-1}$' + r")" else: self._plot_title += r" $v'_{\rm a} \, T'_{\rm a}$" self._plot_units = r" (in " + r'K m s$^{-1}$' + r")" self._default_plot_kwargs['cmap'] = plt.get_cmap('magma') self._color_bar_format = False self._tdiag = MiddleAtmosphericTemperatureAnomalyDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._vdiag = MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional) self._X = self._tdiag._X self._Y = self._tdiag._Y self._temp_mean_state = temp_mean_state self._vwind_mean_state = vwind_mean_state self._heat_capacity = heat_capacity def _compute_grid(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): pass def _configure(self, delta_x=None, delta_y=None): pass def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): self._tdiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) self._vdiag.set_data(self._time, self._data) T = self._tdiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) V = self._vdiag._get_diagnostic(dimensional) if self._temp_mean_state is not None: Tmean = self._temp_mean_state._get_diagnostic(dimensional).mean(axis=0) else: Tmean = np.mean(T, axis=0) if self._vwind_mean_state is not None: Vmean = self._vwind_mean_state._get_diagnostic(dimensional).mean(axis=0) else: Vmean = np.mean(V, axis=0) self._diagnostic_data = (T - Tmean) * (V - Vmean) if dimensional: if self._model_params.atemperature_params.gamma is not None: self._diagnostic_data = self._diagnostic_data * self._model_params.atemperature_params.gamma elif self._heat_capacity is not None: self._diagnostic_data = self._diagnostic_data * self._heat_capacity self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
[docs]class MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxProfileDiagnostic(ProfileDiagnostic): """Diagnostic giving the middle atmospheric eddy heat flux zonally averaged profile. Computed as :math:`\\Phi_{\\rm e} = \\overline{v'_{\\rm a} \\, T'_{\\rm a}} = \\frac{n}{2\\pi} \\, \\int_0^{2\\pi/n} \\Phi_{\\rm e} \\, \\mathrm{d} x` where :math:`v'_{\\rm a} \\, T'_{\\rm a}` is the eddy heat flux scaled with the atmospheric specific heat capicity if available (through the `heat_capacity` argument or the :attr:`~.AtmosphericTemperatureParams.gamma` parameter). Parameters ---------- model_params: QgParams An instance of the model parameters. delta_x: float, optional Spatial step in the zonal direction `x` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. delta_y: float, optional Spatial step in the meridional direction `y` for the gridded representation of the field. If not provided, take an optimal guess based on the provided model's parameters. dimensional: bool, optional Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. Default to `True`. temp_mean_state: MiddleAtmosphericTemperatureDiagnostic, optional A temperature diagnostic with a long trajectory as data to compute the mean temperature field. If not provided, compute the mean with the data stored in the object. vwind_mean_state: MiddleAtmosphericVWindDiagnostic, optional A :math:`v` wind diagnostic with a long trajectory as data to compute the mean wind field. If not provided, compute the mean with the data stored in the object. heat_capacity: float, optional The air specific heat capacity. If not provided, uses the one of :attr:`~.AtmosphericTemperatureParams.gamma` if available or or let the heat flux in K m s^{-1}. Attributes ---------- dimensional: bool Indicate if the output diagnostic must be dimensionalized or not. """ def __init__(self, model_params, delta_x=None, delta_y=None, dimensional=True, temp_mean_state=None, vwind_mean_state=None, heat_capacity=None): ProfileDiagnostic.__init__(self, model_params, dimensional) self._flux = MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxDiagnostic(model_params, delta_x, delta_y, dimensional, temp_mean_state, vwind_mean_state, heat_capacity) self._plot_title = r'Zonally averaged profile' self._plot_label = r'Middle atmospheric eddy heat flux' if heat_capacity is not None or model_params.atemperature_params.gamma is not None: self._plot_label += r" $\gamma_{\rm a} \overline{v'_{\rm a} \, T'_{\rm a}}$" self._plot_units = r'W m$^{-1}$' else: self._plot_label += r" $\overline{v'_{\rm a} \, T'_{\rm a}}$" self._plot_units = r'K m s$^{-1}$' self._axis_label = r'$y$' self._configure() def _configure(self): self._points_coordinates = self._flux._Y[:, 0] def _get_diagnostic(self, dimensional): self._flux.set_data(self._time, self._data) flux = self._flux._get_diagnostic(dimensional) dX = self._flux._X[0, 1] - self._flux._X[0, 0] iflux = simpson(flux, dx=dX, axis=2) / (2*np.pi / self._model_params.scale_params.n) self._diagnostic_data = iflux if dimensional: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = True else: self._diagnostic_data_dimensional = False return self._diagnostic_data
if __name__ == '__main__': from qgs.params.params import QgParams from qgs.integrators.integrator import RungeKuttaIntegrator from qgs.functions.tendencies import create_tendencies pars = QgParams() pars.set_atmospheric_channel_fourier_modes(2, 2) f, Df = create_tendencies(pars) integrator = RungeKuttaIntegrator() integrator.set_func(f) ic = np.random.rand(pars.ndim) * 0.1 integrator.integrate(0., 200000., 0.1, ic=ic, write_steps=5) time, traj = integrator.get_trajectories() integrator.terminate() flux = MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxDiagnostic(pars) flux.set_data(time, traj) iflux = MiddleAtmosphericEddyHeatFluxProfileDiagnostic(pars, delta_x=0.25, delta_y=0.15) iflux.set_data(time, traj)