Source code for qgs.basis.fourier

    Fourier Basis definition module

    Classes and functions defining Fourier basis of functions (`Fourier modes`_) and used to configure the model.
    (see :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Projecting the equations on a set of basis functions`).

    Description of the classes

    * :class:`ChannelFourierBasis`: Fourier basis defined on a zonally perdiodic channel, with no-flux boundary conditions in the meridional direction :math:`y`.
    * :class:`BasinFourierBasis`: Fourier basis defined on a closed basin, with no-flux boundary conditions in both the zonal and meridional direction :math:`x` and :math:`y`.

    .. _Fourier modes:

import numpy as np

from qgs.basis.base import SymbolicBasis

from sympy import symbols, sin, cos, sqrt

_x, _y = symbols('x y')
_n = symbols('n', real=True, nonnegative=True)

[docs]class ChannelFourierBasis(SymbolicBasis): """Fourier basis defined on a zonally perdiodic channel, with no-flux boundary conditions in the meridional direction :math:`y`. Parameters ---------- spectral_blocks: ~numpy.ndarray(int) Spectral blocks detailing the modes :math:`x`- and :math:`y`-wavenumber. Array of shape (nblocks, 2), where `nblocks` is the number of spectral blocks. aspect_ratio: float Spatial domain aspect ratio, :math:`n = 2 L_y/L_x` . """ def __init__(self, spectral_blocks, aspect_ratio): SymbolicBasis.__init__(self) self.substitutions.append((_n, aspect_ratio)) awavenum = channel_wavenumbers(spectral_blocks) for wv in awavenum: mode_eq = fourier_functions(wv) if mode_eq is not None: self.functions.append(mode_eq)
[docs]class BasinFourierBasis(SymbolicBasis): """Fourier basis defined on a closed basin, with no-flux boundary conditions in both the zonal and meridional direction :math:`x` and :math:`y`. Parameters ---------- spectral_blocks: ~numpy.ndarray(int) Spectral blocks detailing the modes :math:`x`- and :math:`y`-wavenumber. Array of shape (nblocks, 2), where `nblocks` is the number of spectral blocks. aspect_ratio: float Spatial domain aspect ratio, :math:`n = 2 L_y/L_x` . """ def __init__(self, spectral_blocks, aspect_ratio): SymbolicBasis.__init__(self) self.substitutions.append((_n, aspect_ratio)) owavenum = basin_wavenumbers(spectral_blocks) for wv in owavenum: mode_eq = fourier_functions(wv) if mode_eq is not None: self.functions.append(mode_eq)
[docs]def contiguous_basin_basis(nxmax, nymax, aspect_ratio): """Function that returns the basis for contiguous spectral blocks of modes on a closed basin. Parameters ---------- nxmax: int Maximum x-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to. nymax: int Maximum :math:`y`-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to. aspect_ratio: float Spatial domain aspect ratio, :math:`n = 2 L_y/L_x` . Returns ------- BasinFourierBasis The closed basin contiguous basis up to the specified spectral truncation. """ spectral_blocks = np.zeros((nxmax * nymax, 2), dtype=int) i = 0 for nx in range(1, nxmax + 1): for ny in range(1, nymax+1): spectral_blocks[i, 0] = nx spectral_blocks[i, 1] = ny i += 1 return BasinFourierBasis(spectral_blocks, aspect_ratio)
[docs]def contiguous_channel_basis(nxmax, nymax, aspect_ratio): """Function that returns the basis for contiguous spectral blocks of modes on a channel. Parameters ---------- nxmax: int Maximum x-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to. nymax: int Maximum :math:`y`-wavenumber to fill the spectral block up to. aspect_ratio: float Spatial domain aspect ratio, :math:`n = 2 L_y/L_x` . Returns ------- ChannelFourierBasis The channel contiguous basis up to the specified spectral truncation. """ spectral_blocks = np.zeros((nxmax * nymax, 2), dtype=int) i = 0 for nx in range(1, nxmax + 1): for ny in range(1, nymax+1): spectral_blocks[i, 0] = nx spectral_blocks[i, 1] = ny i += 1 return ChannelFourierBasis(spectral_blocks, aspect_ratio)
[docs]def fourier_functions(wave_number): """Function that return Fourier modes expressions: * `'A'` for a function of the form :math:`F^A_{P} (x, y) = \sqrt{2}\, \cos(P y) = \sqrt{2}\, \cos(n_y\, y)` * `'K'` for a function of the form :math:`F^K_{M,P} (x, y) = 2\cos(M nx)\, \sin(P y) = 2\cos(n_x\, n\, x)\, \sin(n_y\, y)` * `'L'` for a function of the form :math:`F^L_{H,P} (x, y) = 2\sin(H nx)\, \sin(P y) = 2\sin(n_x\, n \,x)\, \sin(n_y\, y)` Parameters ---------- wave_number: WaveNumber The wavenumber and type information of the mode to be returned. Returns ------- `Sympy`_ expression Symbolic expression of the mode. .. _Sympy: """ mode_eq = None if wave_number.type == 'A': mode_eq = sqrt(2) * cos(wave_number.ny * _y) elif wave_number.type == 'K': mode_eq = 2 * cos(wave_number.nx * _n * _x) * sin(wave_number.ny * _y) elif wave_number.type == 'L': mode_eq = 2 * sin(wave_number.nx * _n * _x) * sin(wave_number.ny * _y) return mode_eq
[docs]class WaveNumber(object): """Class to define model base functions wavenumber. The basis function available are: * `'A'` for a function of the form :math:`F^A_{P} (x, y) = \sqrt{2}\, \cos(P y) = \sqrt{2}\, \cos(n_y\, y)` * `'K'` for a function of the form :math:`F^K_{M,P} (x, y) = 2\cos(M nx)\, \sin(P y) = 2\cos(n_x\, n\, x)\, \sin(n_y\, y)` * `'L'` for a function of the form :math:`F^L_{H,P} (x, y) = 2\sin(H nx)\, \sin(P y) = 2\sin(n_x\, n \,x)\, \sin(n_y\, y)` where :math:`x` and :math:`y` are the nondimensional model's domain coordinates (see :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Projecting the equations on a set of basis functions`). Parameters ---------- function_type: str One character string to define the type of basis function. It can be `'A'`, `'K'` or `'L'`. P: int The :math:`y` wavenumber integer. M: int The :math:`x` wavenumber integer. H: int The :math:`x` wavenumber integer. nx: float The :math:`x` wavenumber. ny: float The :math:`y` wavenumber. Attributes ---------- type: str One character string to define the type of basis function. It can be `'A'`, `'K'` or `'L'`. P: int The :math:`y` wavenumber integer. M: int The :math:`x` wavenumber integer. H: int The :math:`x` wavenumber integer. nx: float The :math:`x` wavenumber. ny: float The :math:`y` wavenumber. """ def __init__(self, function_type, P, M, H, nx, ny): self.type = function_type self.P = P self.M = M self.H = H self.nx = nx self.ny = ny def __repr__(self): return "type = {}, P = {}, M= {},H={}, nx= {}, ny={}".format(self.type, self.P, self.M, self.H, self.nx, self.ny)
[docs]def channel_wavenumbers(spectral_blocks): """Functions that returns the :class:`WaveNumber` objects corresponding to a given list of spectral blocks for a channel-like spatial domain. Parameters ---------- spectral_blocks: ~numpy.ndarray(int) Spectral blocks detailing the modes :math:`x`- and :math:`y`-wavenumber. Array of shape (nblocks, 2), where `nblocks` is the number of spectral blocks. Returns ------- ~numpy.ndarray(WaveNumber) The array of wavenumber objects corresponding to the given spectral blocks. """ # initialization of the variables wave_numbers = list() # Atmospheric wavenumbers definition for i in range(spectral_blocks.shape[0]): # function type is limited to AKL for the moment: atmosphere is a channel if spectral_blocks[i, 0] == 1: wave_numbers.append(WaveNumber('A', spectral_blocks[i, 1], 0, 0, 0, spectral_blocks[i, 1])) wave_numbers.append(WaveNumber('K', spectral_blocks[i, 1], spectral_blocks[i, 0], 0, spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 1])) wave_numbers.append(WaveNumber('L', spectral_blocks[i, 1], 0, spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 1])) else: wave_numbers.append(WaveNumber('K', spectral_blocks[i, 1], spectral_blocks[i, 0], 0, spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 1])) wave_numbers.append(WaveNumber('L', spectral_blocks[i, 1], 0, spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 1])) return np.array(wave_numbers)
[docs]def basin_wavenumbers(spectral_blocks): """Functions that returns the :class:`WaveNumber` objects corresponding to a given list of spectral blocks for a closed basin spatial domain. Parameters ---------- spectral_blocks: ~numpy.ndarray(int) Spectral blocks detailing the modes :math:`x`- and :math:`y`-wavenumber. Array of shape (nblocks, 2), where `nblocks` is the number of spectral blocks. Returns ------- ~numpy.ndarray(WaveNumber) The array of wavenumber objects corresponding to the given spectral blocks. """ # initialization of the variables wave_numbers = list() # Oceanic wavenumbers definition for i in range(spectral_blocks.shape[0]): # function type is limited to L for the moment: ocean is a closed basin wave_numbers.append(WaveNumber('L', spectral_blocks[i, 1], 0, spectral_blocks[i, 0], spectral_blocks[i, 0] / 2., spectral_blocks[i, 1])) return np.array(wave_numbers)