Source code for qgs.basis.base

    Basis definition module (base class)

    Abstract base classes defining the functions (modes) of the basis of the model and used to configure it.
    (see :ref:`files/model/oro_model:Projecting the equations on a set of basis functions`).

    Description of the classes

    * :class:`Basis`: General base class.
    * :class:`SymbolicBasis`: Base class for symbolic functions basis.


    These are `abstract base class`_, they must be subclassed to create new basis!

    .. _abstract base class:


# TODO: define setters and init arguments
# TODO: define NumericBasis class

import sys

from abc import ABC
from sympy import symbols, lambdify, diff

[docs]class Basis(ABC): """General base class for a basis of functions. Attributes ---------- functions: list List of functions of the basis. """ def __init__(self): self.functions = list() def __getitem__(self, index): return self.functions[index] def __repr__(self): return self.functions.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.functions.__str__() def __len__(self): return self.functions.__len__() def append(self, item): self.functions.append(item)
[docs]class SymbolicBasis(Basis): """General base class for a basis of symbolic functions. Attributes ---------- substitutions: list(tuple) List of 2-tuples containing the substitutions to be made with the functions. The 2-tuples contain first a `Sympy`_ expression and then the value to substitute. .. _Sympy: """ def __init__(self): Basis.__init__(self) self.substitutions = list()
[docs] def subs_functions(self, extra_subs=None): """Return the basis functions with the substitutions stored in the object being applied. Parameters ---------- extra_subs: list(tuple), optional List of 2-tuples containing extra substitutions to be made with the functions. The 2-tuples contain first a `Sympy`_ expression and then the value to substitute. Returns ------- list List of the substituted basis functions """ sf = list() for f in self.functions: if extra_subs is not None: ff = f.subs(extra_subs) else: ff = f ff = ff.subs(self.substitutions) sf.append(ff) return sf
[docs] def num_functions(self, extra_subs=None): """Return the basis functions with as python callable. Parameters ---------- extra_subs: list(tuple), optional List of 2-tuples containing extra substitutions to be made with the functions before transforming them into python callable. The 2-tuples contain first a `Sympy`_ expression and then the value to substitute. Returns ------- list(callable) List of callable basis functions """ x, y = symbols('x y') nf = list() sf = self.subs_functions(extra_subs=extra_subs) for f in sf: try: nf.append(lambdify([x, y], f)) except: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise Exception.with_traceback(tb) return nf
[docs] def derivative(self, symbol, order=1): """Return the basis functions differentiated with respect to `symbol` as a new basis. Parameters ---------- symbol: Sympy symbol The symbol with respect to which the basis is to be differentiated. order: int, optional The order of the derivative. Default to first order. Returns ------- SymbolicBasis: A new basis object with the differentiated basis function. """ dfunc = list(map(lambda func: diff(func, symbol, order), self.functions)) dbasis = SymbolicBasis() dbasis.functions = dfunc dbasis.substitutions = self.substitutions return dbasis
[docs] def x_derivative(self, order=1): """Return the basis functions differentiated with respect to the :math:`x` coordinate. Parameters ---------- order: int, optional The order of the derivative. Default to first order. Returns ------- SymbolicBasis: A new basis object with the differentiated basis function. """ x = symbols('x') return self.derivative(x, order)
[docs] def y_derivative(self, order=1): """SymbolicBasis: Basis functions differentiated with respect to the :math:`y` coordinate. Parameters ---------- order: int, optional The order of the derivative. Default to first order. Returns ------- SymbolicBasis: A new basis object with the differentiated basis function. """ y = symbols('y') return self.derivative(y, order)
# Rem: Class not used currently in the model.
[docs]class NumericBasis(Basis): """General base class for a basis of numeric functions. """ def __init__(self): Basis.__init__(self)
[docs] def num_functions(self): """Return the basis functions with as python callable. Returns ------- list(callable) List of callable basis functions """ return self.functions
if __name__=="__main__": from sympy import symbols, sin, exp basis = SymbolicBasis() x, y = symbols('x y') # x and y coordinates on the model's spatial domain n, al = symbols('n al') # aspect ratio and alpha coefficients for i in range(1, 3): for j in range(1, 3): basis.append(2 * exp(- al * x) * sin(j * n * x / 2) * sin(i * y)) basis.substitutions.append(('n', 1.)) basis.substitutions.append(('al', 1.))